Tomika Langley


To me you invite me to your house and serve the best chocolate frosting cake ever, even though, I also could take a cup of espresso hot coffee.
My parents taught me how to enjoy life by tasting foods and drinks and i'm not planning to change my life style.
I had a home in New Orleans back in the 90's and I sold it, then invested the money in Facebook stocks and since then, I made very good money with the real estate sale.

Insurance CompanyGeico Ins, The Best car coverage
Date Today
Preferred Color #550707
List of Hobbies

Watching TV's movies and shows after working at my job.

ProfessionDoctor's Secretary, Clinical Professional.

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The Wire

    • Tomika Langley
      You know what’s funny, I never have told anybody about the time where I fell down a hill and ended up with bruises all over my chest! xp
      • Tomika Langley
        I now can accept that all these people I used to know have changed because so have I too! It is an inevitable part of life that happens when people grow. People grow and learn and make all these different choices everyday. The planet we live on grows and changes as a whole every single day of our lives. I'm going to be as mature as I can be and make the choices that I feel are right for me. And if anyone has something negative to say, they can move on and deal with it how they will.This is my life as your life is your own to control and handle.

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