Demi Hale


The best way to describe me is I am a wanderlust victim, professional Ailurophile, premium foodie, history buff, gaming nerd, and dreamer.

Preferred Color #E9ED1D
ProfessionRegistered ER Nurse

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    • Demi Hale
      Omg this just happened to the cashier at Dunkin Donuts while I was waiting for my order: Old Man: Young lady, did you make ALL these donuts yourself? Cashier: Um..yes. I've been here since 4am. Old Man: Wow! Then how come you're not fatter?! If you ate all your product you'd be a fatty donut girl! *he laughs hysterically* Cashier: Face is red as a beet and jaw dropped, does not reply or even smile.
      • Demi Hale
        Yesterday a minor misunderstanding with my boyfriend led to a mental meltdown and I couldn’t stop crying for like an hour. I feel like it was exacerbated by the fact that my BF gets defensive when I get like this and uses it as a time to vent all his pent up frustrations with me, thinking it’s an argument when I wasn’t even mad at him and I was just unable to regulate my emotions and communicate productively. But that makes me even sadder when all I need is someone to show me love. I have a depression diagnosis and when I melt down and cry for help he seems to respond with coldness at best, defensiveness and anger at worst because he starts telling me what I do wrong since I’m usually crying in response to an interaction with him. I don’t know how to communicate anymore with him, he used to not be this way. We've been together almost 12 years.
        • Demi Hale
          This this is so good that I made 3 days ago. The left overs taste even better than when I made it for Sunday dinner. Lawddd!
          • Demi Hale
            Life is too short to not enjoy the ride! And for me I love a roller coaster ride!! I other words, I am currently loving life~
            • Demi Hale
              I was eating a Nutrigrain bar and happened to remember that hilariously crazy 2003 Nutrigrain commercial called “Babies everywhere” .... and now after a good laugh, I feel great! L0L! Those people that did this also made some pretty sweet ads for other stuff too, like the one for N64!
              • Demi Hale
                Demi Hale posted to Statuses & Comments
                Omg this just happened to the cashier at Dunkin Donuts while I was waiting for my order: Old Man: Young lady, did you make ALL these donuts yourself? Cashier: Um..yes. I've been here since 4am. Old Man: Wow! Then how come you're not fatter?! If you ate all your product you'd be a fatty donut girl! *he laughs hysterically* Cashier: Face is red as a beet and jaw dropped, does not reply or even smile.
                • Demi Hale
                  After watching the movie "I Am Mother " I am no longer a fan of any kind of droid robots, they scare me now!
                  • Humanoid Robot Revealed By Elon Musk This Week
                  • Demi Hale
                    Demi Hale posted to Statuses & Comments
                    Yesterday a minor misunderstanding with my boyfriend led to a mental meltdown and I couldn’t stop crying for like an hour. I feel like it was exacerbated by the fact that my BF gets defensive when I get like this and uses it as a time to vent all his pent up frustrations with me, thinking it’s an argument when I wasn’t even mad at him and I was just unable to regulate my emotions and communicate productively. But that makes me even sadder when all I need is someone to show me love. I have a depression diagnosis and when I melt down and cry for help he seems to respond with coldness at best, defensiveness and anger at worst because he starts telling me what I do wrong since I’m usually crying in response to an interaction with him. I don’t know how to communicate anymore with him, he used to not be this way. We've been together almost 12 years.
                      • Marla Maples

                        I'm not sure this is a you problem. Sounds really abusive, he may need to seek some professional help to deal with emotional management.

                      • Demi Hale
                        Avoid car accidents when speeding and not watching over the mirrors, backing up while driving a vehicle etc.
                        • Demi Hale
                          Demi Hale provided an answer for the question Which Insurance Company You All Use For Best Prices
                          I pay about $567 price for a longtime? 9 months. You can go over all your coverage individually. Many people have much more coverage than they need. "Full coverage" is not a standard amount. Depending on your state laws, you may be able to reduce...
                          • Demi Hale
                            You’re lucky they covered it. My sister had a pipe burst and Nationwide refused, they  wouldn’t cover it. They said she needed flood insurance to cover that when she was shopping for insurance she was told she didn’t need flood...
                            • Demi Hale
                              I love reading these comments about health, car accident insurance, real este home insurance coverage.
                              • Demi Hale
                                I probable should friend you, See I’ve had sudden onset of updating tinnitus for last 10 months. And I should also keep the money I'm saving on premiums in a separate savings account for that high deductible.  
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