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Love And Companionship

Best friend she defines what family and friends should be. She's still with me. And I am so lucky for every day she brings her love and passion
for life and all living species to my humble home.i was told on August 28 that she had a few days to a few weeks to live. Took her for a second opinion the next week and was told the same basic thing. The doctor said as the other doctor except more detail, comments and most importantly with compassion. Apparently she has
a heart murmur and her heart has grown so large that it's touching her spine. They said they couldn't help her except to make her as comfortable as possible even when I told them money was no problem if i did not have enough I'd get it but as she said you can't make the heart smaller. She commented that she had never seen any that was that sick be as happy as she is and that's all her. Well here it is, December and she's still here. Her heart congestion has definitely worsened but her love for life for the most part hasn't.. I do see sadness in her eyes and she knows what's going on and she knows I know. It's hard to listen to her hack and struggle to breathe but as long as she shows happiness and gets excited to see our friends then I think I'll do everything I can to let her. .What I'm trying to say is hard to watch her loose weight and struggle to breathe but as long as she shows happiness and some enjoyment then I'll do everything in my power to let her but it's breaks my heart. I admire her as much as any human I have known.. Any way I had to say this out loud she deserves better but we are only human..
The least I can do is to pass on my experience on how wonderful and precious a dogs companionship can be. Whoever said dogs are man and woman's best friend knew exactly what I'm trying say. They are truly man's best friend of the truest love and companionship vs. being alone or when you have a mental illness and just feel alone.
On that note treat all creatures with kindness and compassion. Life is short and you can't enjoy it without trying to appreciate the good but in the same level don't ignore the bad. Fix it if you can and always call it out for what it is.


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