What’s Your Yearly Salary and Monthly Rent?

I would like to know your different opinions about your yearly salaries, and hose of you comfortably living alone. Perhaps, What’s your yearly salary? And monthly rent, if you don't own a house or an apartment already paid off? Started a job making $27Kish a year after taxes

Show You Income Salary Rental And Expenses
What amount do you get for income every month.?..

Answers (14)

  • If it helps, I took a large pay cut to go from an overwhelming stressful (they replaced me with 2 people working full time !) Three years into the lesser paying job and I am glad I left the other job. Adjusting your budget is easier than putting up with a miserable job!

    • Harmony Woods

      I just had to walk away from a nice paying position, due to stress and anxiety. I'm adjusting my budget to accommodate that decision. But it was necessary, my health and mental health were taking a hit.

      • Coraline Key

        RN. 109,000 annually. Mortgage: 1200/month. 25 percent down.
        I was not always this fortunate. I made 41,000/year in 2005. Returned to school for nursing while working full time at age 31.

      • Wow! You worked full time AND did nursing school…. I applaud people who do that king of jobs.
        This year I only made 64,000. 4 years for my BSN. And 1 year prior to that for prerequisites. Living on my own and working full time.

        • Angela Gray

          I will not say what l earn. I have budgeted to live on $ 12 000 a year. I save a certain amount above this for emergencies. My home is paid off, we invested in a solar system which pumps water from our bore. I only use my car once a month.

          • Jonisha Ealy

            I wish I could do that. I'm sure it requires a lot of discipline. I hope to be there soon.
            I would love to know How did you budget to live on that amount?

          • Do you really know the person who made this post? You all don’t know this person. Everyone who answered she or he…. Could be a fake profile, now knows you live alone and your salary. 

            • Mary Ellis

              They could get that info anyway if they really wanted to.
              If someone doesn’t want to attempt to come in my house uninvited. Whoever does will go out in a body bag. 

              • Clinton Crisp

                Some people think that non personal questions should be allowed and less about salary should not be answered.
                I think that it’s actually classist to think this. Disclosing salary ensures equity, lessens wage gaps, builds trust and transparency.

              • That’s how corporations control the worker drones….
                Salary absolutely should be discussed.
                Even if when people apply for a better job position into a hiring company, it is done most of the times using an internet connection to send the resume, of course safety first. Predators are everywhere

                • Kiley Mcdaniel

                  I think that unless you are giving away your passwords, home and business address and other actual personal information, info relevant just to you, I don’t see why discussing salary is a security breach. No one is asking for each other’s passwords here. Salaries should be discussed the notion that it’s rude or not nice is something that employers have fed into us all to stop us highlighting inequalities. Women especially still get paid less than men in many many areas. It’s important to discuss these things.

                • It's a personal preference.
                  There are many scammers all over the place. Your choice to answer or not but sometimes questions are a bit too personal.
                  as a matter of fact, what's personal to you may not be to others. Just simply don't answer the question if you prefer and move on.

                  • Justin Smith

                    Actually they should, people should know how much people in the same field make in order to gauge gender difference or age bias etc...

                    • Darcy Martin

                      Excuse me! If you don’t mind me asking. We’re you a nurse before you went back to school? And how long did it take you to get your nursing degree?

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