Ron Jeez


My business is to feed animals that has been abandoned by people who thought that these pets could feed themselves on the streets of a big city. I collect cats, dogs, birds and find a new home for each of them, saving their lives in this sad world.
I have a lot of respect for  friend and I think that inside every domestic animal there is one of those. I guess this kind of action makes me a kind person and a sharing husband.


American Football, Baseball, American Soccer.

Insurance CompanyI have Vaaler Insurance, a Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC, very good home insurance quote, a ‎mobile home insurance, a ‎condominium insurance coverage
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Preferred Color #C4A000
ProfessionFarmer and Animal Rescuer

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The Wire

    • Ron Jeez
      I'm not saying this to brag, but rather to celebrate. As a daily practice, I make it a point to learn at least one new word every day; a word I do not understand the meaning or use for. I actually just learned my new word of the day, in a Danielle Steel novel no less. The word is "rarefied", and yes, I checked the spelling twice. It's a legitimate adjective defined by Oxford as describing "a person or lifestyle distant from the lives and concerns of ordinary people." That certainly well describes the rich, shallow tart I'm reading about, and now I'll enjoy using it in conversation. I know many of you more learned and well-read than myself are probably very familiar with it but I was not. So I learned a new word today, and I'll thank my former college professors to not chastise me for wasting time reading trash novels. I learned a new word, so the time wasn't waste. #book
      • Ron Jeez
        I gave in and had to ask for help from my local food bank today. I will have to go on Wednesdays. I hate asking for help so much but I don't know what else to do.
        • Ron Jeez
          I love what somebody said. We are all interdependent by default. WE need EACH OTHER period!!!
          • Ron Jeez
            Ron Jeez posted to the wire
            I'm not saying this to brag, but rather to celebrate. As a daily practice, I make it a point to learn at least one new word every day; a word I do not understand the meaning or use for. I actually just learned my new word of the day, in a Danielle Steel novel no less. The word is "rarefied", and yes, I checked the spelling twice. It's a legitimate adjective defined by Oxford as describing "a person or lifestyle distant from the lives and concerns of ordinary people." That certainly well describes the rich, shallow tart I'm reading about, and now I'll enjoy using it in conversation. I know many of you more learned and well-read than myself are probably very familiar with it but I was not. So I learned a new word today, and I'll thank my former college professors to not chastise me for wasting time reading trash novels. I learned a new word, so the time wasn't waste. #book
            • Ron Jeez
              You forgot to say that lawyers are thieves and they all are expensive for their small jobs.
              • Ron Jeez
                Ron Jeez commented on the file The Sad X Twitter
                Poor guy, I feel sorry for him when I heard he lost 49 billion dollars in that deal. X is going away in a blink of an eye, we'll see that happen soon.
                • Ron Jeez
                  Ron Jeez commented on the photo The Aska A5 Flying Vehicle
                  I'm in because I'm saving for my down payment already. I probable buy my flying car soon.
                  • The Aska A5 Flying Vehicle
                  • Ron Jeez
                    Ron Jeez commented on the file Wild Volcano in Costa Rica
                    I always wonder if a volcano has a hidden alien home where they can hide their space ships. But even if the locals in the past call the volcanoes fire mountain, there are many people today living so close to those natural giants.
                    • Ron Jeez
                      Ron Jeez commented on the file Robots Are Dangerous Spies
                      That's top tech. I love robots.
                      • Ron Jeez
                        I know McAllister law firm for cases of Car Accident, if you ever need a professional lawyer working in automobile field. Their phone number is: +1 314-403-7700 and location address is: 20 S Sarah St, St. Louis, MO 63108, United States.

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