Ellen Madison


I'm happy to be able of sharing a little bit of my personal profile today! AML Compliance Officer II at Western Union Financial Services
Montgomery, Alabama.
I'm a good friend to those that accepted me as theirs and I love to go dining to best local dinner restaurants with my friends too.


Running, Juming, Playing Hockey on Ice, Boxing,

Insurance CompanyAIA Insurance Agency Car insurance, Theft ins, Fire & More. Located in: Village East Shopping Center, to call the Phone # is: (334) 272-6874. and the address: 5167 Atlanta Hwy, Montgomery, AL 36109.
Date Today
Preferred Color #521E1E
ProfessionAML Compliance Officer, Insurance Agent, Underwriter

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    • Ellen Madison
      The one thing I love about my life is that I have options and no matter which way I decide to go I will be more than okay.
      • Ellen Madison
        Giving the circumstances I have a lot to be grateful for, and I am thoroughly. I was feeling pretty sad about some stuff earlier, but my boyfriend decided to make me homemade ice coffee ❤ he brightens my mood every day and I'm just so thankful to have him in my life!

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