Warner Little's wire posts

    • Warner Little
      I am going to be totally honest here guys, I feel like I am the most motivated person alive every night and the least motivated person alive every morning. I find myself night owling hella late and making big plans for the next day, but when the morning rolls around my only motivation is to sleep in as late as possible! When I do force myself out of bed with the alarm I don't feel very productive for at least an hour or two. I feel like my brain just needs to warm up before I can think clearly! This is something I'm working on because I have always wanted to be a morning person. I just can't help it, I come alive in the nighttime, right at dusk! Lol We all struggle with things and I don't want anyone to ever think I have got my life all figured out when I do not. I gotta work really hard to get inspired, productive and motivated because we all deserve more than a mediocre life. No one woke up today to be mediocre!
      • Warner Little
        You are not a victim in a situation you allowed to happen.