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      Never have I ever been so happy to be wearing glasses in my life. I just heated up my dinner and I took the bowl out of the microwave to stir up my stroganoff and the very hot rice splattered onto my face! Glasses were covered with it. Some went up my nose. Some even ended up on the ceiling! What a mess. Mostly I’m fine but I did burn the inside of my nose. Could have been much worse if not for my glasses.
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        The best TV channels live and free for you to watch all day! Enjoy it.
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          Today the American horror story season 10 reveled and confirmed to be as ten seasons to watch. This news will make happy those customers and TV lovers of the Netflix. No more waiting for long months ( it was like waiting for years! ) and after dropping breadcrumbs on Facebook and bookoflikes social media. It was Mr. Ryan Murphy who decided finally reveal that the American Horror Story: (2) Double Feature will serve as the 10th season of his FX anthology series. The brand new news just was announced today Friday on Murphy’s social media accounts, the source of all major Horror Story reveals. The accompanying teaser describes Double Feature as “ 02 horrifying stories, one season. 1 by the sea, 1 by the sand.