Deena Johnson's wire posts
- I'm so glad I don't have neighbors right beside me. If I did cops and social services would be doing a daily visit to my house ( because of the stuff people would hear) I'm doing dishes the girls came into the kitchen. They decided to smell the candles. Sophia said one smells good but the other smells like fire. Ava leans over and smells Sophia, gives her a huge grin and says "you smell like watermelon" so Sophia screams at the top of her lungs and takes off running across the house. Ava is right behind her yelling " come here sissy" I'm still doing dishes yelling “ Ava stop trying to eat your sister, she hasn't has a shower yet she will make your tummy hurt ”.
- Whenever I do have my own family I definitely want to be one where we sit down at the table and eat without tv or distractions. That’s when meaningful conversations happen and time to talk about what’s going on In each other’s lives.
- One thing I don’t take kindly to is people and their attitudes when it comes to my boundaries with my time and space. If it’s a problem for you , you literally have permission to just not involve yourself with me. I would have nothing but respect for that. But don’t try to force and push me to give away the time and space that I am unwilling to give beyond my comfort ability in that moment.