Chanthinia White's wire posts

    • Chanthinia White
      I purposely ignore peoples hints when they try to indirectly get me to do something. Put on your big adult pants and communicate. That’s how we get results and what you want. Reading between lines leaves way too much opportunity for misinterpretation so be direct, loud, and clear.
      • Chanthinia White
        I don’t believe that just because you make more money you need to buy more things. Less but higher quality things are okay though.
        • Chanthinia White
          Attachment is the root of all suffering. This is why I like to take trips by myself nowadays lol Well that, and because I feel at this point you just have to pick the man you want to get cheated on by for the rest of your life with so might as well get away by yourself as often as possible. xp
          • Chanthinia White
            Not always applicable, but when over explaining is a trauma response it's worth keeping this in mind. I think sometimes it's ok to leave things misunderstood, if someone repeatedly dismisses me or gets cross with me instead of just asking for clarification. I'm starting to find it easier to know when someone is safe and genuine, and when I'm wasting my time and energy. Image description: a sheet of note paper with hand written on it "From now on I'm going to start telling people "you're committed to misunderstanding me, and I don't care to explain myself to you", instead. of over explaining myself.