Brianna Lambert's wire posts

    • Brianna Lambert
      Ladies have any of you had your husband after 24 years say he doesn’t want to be married anymore? Says he loves me but he’s unhappy in life. Seems like a mid life crisis to me. I don’t know what to do. I feel completely lost. He’s still wearing his ring and sleeping on the couch.
      • Brianna Lambert
        Now to everyone officially, yes I am moving back to Winchester. When? Sometime either next month during the end. Or the beginning of May. Am I completely happy about this decision?? HECK YES. I'm done with catty people and I'm moving on with my life. There will be a party thrown for me next month and all MY REAL FRIENDS who choose to come my celebrate with me.
        • Brianna Lambert
          I decided today even with everything going on around me, that I would go to Walmart to get a few things. I told myself I wouldn't lay in bed and I wouldn't feel depressed. Upon leaving the store, I saw an older elderly man sitting on a bench by himself. He looked up at me and I looked at him and smiled. His entire face then lit up. And he smiled and said "You have a wonderful and lovely day, young lady." In that moment, I actually felt like I would. I would make this day great or as great as I could despite everything that's been going on. Despite all the chaos and sadness that happens everyday in this world, try smiling and being happy and kind at least once if not a few times every day.~ You never know what amount of good it can do to even one single person. How much it can change someone's disposition...I am still incredibly sad, I am sad about so many things. But that kindness was an amazing gift to receive. And I have learned to appreciate the small things. Flowers and nature around me, and someone else's smile. And I am so happy to be on this planet, I know I am loved and I can even give love in return everyday. And that is incredibly wonderful.
          • Brianna Lambert
            I may not know everything or even many things but I sure forreal know energy. I know when it's genuine, when it's strange, and when it shifts.