Brenda Sutton Lee's wire posts

    • Brenda Sutton Lee
      I love this year's new Starbucks holiday cups. They're bright and pretty and festive. I said what I said, the cups are pretty. Fight me.
      • Brenda Sutton Lee
        I got pulled over coming home from work going only 5 mph over the speed limit and then the cat ran away when I got home -- booo to tonight. Maybe a good dinner and movie will help.
        • Brenda Sutton Lee
          The people saying that no one wants to work are the reason no one wants to work! It's not easy serving the public while getting screamed at by supervisors and customers for only $8.50 an hour! I don't blame people for not wanting to work certain jobs. I had to shallow my pride listening to people call me every name in the book so many times for jobs I hated. Of course, if I wasn't screamed at by a certain supervisor for no reason, I never would have gained the motivation to find a more rewarding job! I make almost 4 times more than when I worked retail and I'm a 1000 times happier. Instead of complaining about there not being any carts available, go out and get some. Instead of waiting for someone to bag your groceries for you, stop being a baby and do it yourself. Instead of yelling at the poor worker trying to enforce a rule you don't like, just say OK and move on! We're all in this together!