Tag: tv

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    • Janet Brown
      Our transformer blew up and snapped all the power lines, of course it missed my car by inches. Lol I was like woot woot new car dance!! But we have TV and generators for fridge and living room. Savannah and I will sleep on the air mattress all nice and cozy with thermal blamnkets and a thick quilt! What an eventful week so far, winter has came and it’s a rough one!!!
      • News Update
        Rest In Peace Star Wars Actor Angus MacInnes At Age Of 77 Years Old
        He acted as the Golden Squadron leader on the Star War TV series and he played as Jon 'Dutch' Vander, in 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope' and 'Rogue One. Your fanatics will miss you..
        • Matthew James
          I miss working and contributing to the world. I know a lot of people would think it a great day not having to have to go to work. But having phones to answer, challenges to meet, problems to solve, and counselors to assist, and people to help used to fill a huge part of my time. And I miss that. You can only watch so much tv and only read so much and only surf so much internet. Take it from me, if you're lucky enough to have a job, appreciate being able to work. I signed a timesheet or punched a time clock for 30 years, and I miss it, because now I understand it wasn't just about the money. Yes, I had hard days and bad days at work, but at the end of the day I had a feeling of accomplishment and the knowledge that I had done something wih my time, even if it was just answering phones or filing papers. It's harder to get that feeling in retirement. Or maybe I'm just an idiot who isn't grateful for all the free time I've been blessed with. If I'm being an idiot, please feel free to tell me.
