I grew up eating alot of Fried Potato Sandwiches ( I call them "Taters"). Just fry up your potatoes, and season them however you like. I use garlic powder and seasoning salt, onions, and maybe throw in some bell peppers, sometimes. Drain the grease, take 2 pieces of bread, spread some ketchup on them, (or whatever you like to top them with. I use ketchup), and put about 2-3 heaping tablespoons of the potatoes between the bread. Just a cheap meal idea, but tastes really good! I always liked them alot, and when I was grown, I made them for my kids, and they love them to this day and they're grown and still eat them. My middle son mentioned them in High School one day and his friends had never heard of them. I sent some fried potatoes, bread and ketchup with him to school the next day, his classmates all tried it, and it was actually a hit!