Tag: boyfriends

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    • Kimberly Lilly Tyrrell
      I don't care if my boyfriends were flirting with other girls, maybe those women were pretty like me.
      • Christy Ramon
        I look at my children's adult faces. I think of births. Blood and the lot. I think of diaper changes. Babysitters. Midnight feedings. I think of doctor’s visits. Halloween costumes. Laundry. Teacher’s meetings. Thousands of drop-offs and pick-ups. Injuries. X-rays. Late night coughing. Potty training. Permission slips. More laundry. Emergency rooms. Broken bones and casts. Surgeries. Ear aches. Blood. Tubes. Discipline. Questions. Struggling with food. Struggling with shoe-laces. Struggling with winter boots. Winter coats even. Brushing hair. Crafts. Nebulizer treatments. Homework. Attempting to explain discipline. Chores. More blood and the lot. Running to the school with forgotten homework/chromebooks/clothing/band instruments. Divorce. Birthday parties. Stitches. Periods. Dealing with bullies. More questions. More explaining discipline. Teachers who didn’t believe there were bullies. Sleepovers. Fights. Fundraisers. Little League baseball and softball. Soccer. Dance squad. Cheer. Football. Wrestling. Competitions. Church. Holding them while they cry. Traveling to away events. More teacher’s meetings. Driver’s Ed. Even more blood and the lot. Forgotten homework on early school mornings. Cousins. Grandparents. Mean friends. Awkward real life adult education. More laundry. More fights. Late night snuggles. Forgotten permission slips. Always more questions. Fighting over homework. Choir. Musicals. Madrigal dinners. First jobs. Basic training. Volunteering. College. Girlfriends/boyfriends. Breakups. Soooo much laundry. Failed college. Overseas deployment. Grad school. More jobs. Did I do enough? Did I? Time will tell. I love you my babies. I promise to be a good Granny to your babies one day.
        • Yency Lucia Marchena
          Pay for my boyfriends medical bills for colon cancer. Pay off my medical debt, buy a motorcycle and try to help someone close to me live pain free.


          • Gino
            United States of AmericaMy main description is to be a coordinator and organizer of information and data online, as far of web design and websites creation too.