Where To Buy There's Treasure Inside Book?
I mean, a store online or a physical book store to purchase this particular book. The book title calls my attention because finding clues and trying to materialize them to get closer to the treasure or “big prize” makes kid of sense for the efforts. Also, it is a very nice project to join thousands of book readers who are also interested on striking rich, like you said on the group description. If someone finds out the price and the place to order this book with a treasure, I appreciate it if they let me know.
Answers (13)
I don't know if you want to buy it online, but I was searching for the same answer about your question and I fund this: There's
This book " Treasure Inside: Collins-Black, by Jon" It is your key to embarking on the greatest treasure hunt in American history. Worth millions of dollars and growing more valuable each day. Bla bla bla. And I concluded that why someone wants to believe the impossible stuff, that after reading this book you are going to spend thousands of dollars in a trip to some where no body knows so far? It is all a fat lie, and if someone wants to contradict my statement, then tell me how to find that all money the author promise is there to be found. Well, you can buy the book at the store online everybody buys from "AM" LOLComments
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I won't buy the hidden treasure till someone explain why someone will give away thousands just to sell a simple book, to me it doesn't have any sense. What is their deal?
Go online and type the book name, then you can choose a store from the drop-down list and buy it. It's that simple because you could have the book on your hands the next day or so with fast delivery.
Why you are going to buy this book, just to start a failure journey like may thousand of people who thought about the gold and antiques treasure hidden.
I sure this hidden treasure already has an owner or owners and the money from the book buyers is going to pay those who won the challenge, and to pay the loan the book writer borrowed to make it an interesting story.
- By Eva Kindness
I will have to accept that the items inside those treasure chests are excellent and me spending a few bucks to buy the book is nothing. I even will have lots of fun nonparticipating the project too.
I will consider it to give it as a gift to a friend. Maybe he and his wife will try to search that treasure.
If I buy this book with hidden money and I found the treasure chest down the road, I'll go to Europe for vacations. That's a fact!
Yes, I will buy this book because at least you spend some money but, there is a great adventure and I could be someone that finds the treasure. If I order this hidden treasure book from ,…, then someone will come to me and deliver it in one or two days,
- By Darcy Carden
This book about treasure is too good to be true, it sounds like a scam or just a fat lie.
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Yes, I'm completely in agreement with your words. I bought the book for a fraction in Ebay and for nothing.
- By Bella Thorne
Not all people read good books for money and search treasures, I love reading books for my spare time and relaxation. The only secured money is from your daily jobs..
This is a very fun book to read, I wonder if it is true or it is a scam! Also, how much,what's the price?
The treasure is like a hook to sell the readers a flat book that otherwise it worth nothing and no body will buy it.
Just order it online and if you buy it used, then you pay less dollars for an used boob with a hidden treasure.
I order it from a bookseller out of ebay site and paid little money too. I guess some people read books and then sell it, they didn't believed about the treasure hidden.
Let me guess, you guys already sold 1000,000 books already and made a fortune out of greedy from readers who really want to find the treasures.
I'm interested on reading this book and perhaps going to find that all money they're giving away too.
Too bad that so may people already boght the book and are on the money and gold searching project already
I'll keep an eye on htis book deal, I love to follow treasure stories.
What good it does, there are thousands of people already searching for the hidden treasures. There isn't any point to run now and buy that particular book.
I won't buy any book ever! I just wait for the book to be available at the library or maybe a free digital download, or a friend who bought it