Do Y’all Think My Mom Actually Visited Me Last Night?
Serious, Do Y’all Think My Mom Actually Visited Me Last Night?
Okay, a little back story real quick… my mom died in a house fire 6 years ago. Right after she died, I had a dream about her, but I haven’t had another dream with her in it since then. Well, until last night. I’m currently pregnant and due to go into labor any time now. I haven’t been dreaming at all lately; at least not that I remember. Last night, my dream felt so real. In my dream, my mom told me she didn’t recognize me at first because I don’t look like her “little girl” anymore and she commented on how I grew up and have kids of my own now. When I woke up, I felt strangely calm and I have a strong feeling today will be the day I go into labor. Do y’all think my mom actually visited me last night? Like I said, it’s been 6 years since I’ve dreamed about her until last night.
How can that be possible, is she a ghost now???
Answers (46)
It sounds like you had a visit. She wanted to check up on you. Whether it was real or not, it made you feel good and reassured you, and that's a wonderful thing.
- By Lekia Moore
It's a different kind of "attention." I probably wouldn't pick up anything like the Michael Lewis book I'm now reading, that takes total attention or you miss what's happening. But something light. Same with a movie. Something light, something that perhaps I've seen before (like a Marvel movie perhaps).
- By Letha Cherry
I had one dream of my mother, almost 10 year's ago..I was going through the worst part of my chemo..Very sick..I was on a bus going to a church revival..I told her. You won't believe What's going on..She said you are being asked to come home.. I'm now a 9 year, stage 4 cancer survivor..I actually thought I was going to die..But here I am
- By Luis Alonso
Visitation dreams, I consider them gifts! Love it when my mom visits me!
She was checking in with You. Ask her to visit your Dreams anytime She wants to..She surrounds you with love... - By Roso Da Sco
This’ll freak you out what if your mum is letting you know she’s coming back as your baby, all joking aside good luck with your birth whenever he/she decides to make an entrance
Yes. Its a sign that she will be there with you during your birth.
Expect to go into labor anytime now since she visited.For sure you're going to have a special coach with you when the little one decides to make their debut Congratulations please let us on bls. know when the baby comes.
What does your intuition tell you? I think you already know.
She’s definitely with you, talk to her out loud. Tell her Thank you, you love her and you’re thankful she’s with you.
May sound strange to talk out loud but I do it all the time and get signs on many different ways my loved ones are not only with me but they’ve heard me and answer my prayers.
Best of luck and prayers for a happy, healthy babyYes, it was your mom. how wonderful that she came to you because you are pregnant - obviously she is proud of you, too.
I do believe 100% it was her.
She will be there with you to share your joyous occasion.
Let us know if you go into labour.- By Amber Baker
Definitely a visit from your Mama.
When our loved ones visit us in dreams, They know we need them or they are just checking in on us. My mom has been gone 18 years and she visits my dreams and we cook. - By Lisa Woolard
It’s always nice to get a visit.
If She did, it is great. Those of us who have had visitations in dreams know the difference in the way it feels. Bask in that feeling, it's rare that it happens. God bless. I think your mum came to let you know that she is around and very much loving a protecting you...and your new arrival...i think she told you in her own words that you are having a little girl..right? Happy motherhood and congratulations.
My Mom did the same when I was a kid.
I got goosebumps reading that. I truly believe our loved ones visit in dreams. I'm sure your mum will be with you and best of luck on the birth of your child xx.
Yes, a visitation dream, and I believe yes, this happens with my grandmother often, she past years ago.
I had my mother do her first visitation dream with me while I was pregnant . She said she’s never gone from me. She said you’re my daughter. there is a golden thread that connects your heart to mine. I’m always near.
- By Violet Skies
Absolutely! That sounds like a visit to me! Visits are different from other dreams. They are clear and precise. Your Mom was with you! Very cool. I am sorry for your loss.
My mum and Dad died with in 6 months of each other, I've never dream of Dad but few times a month I dream of mum she tells me shes seen me at work and sat while I slept and visited my dog Ella played ball with her I've watched Ella stare into thin air wagging her tail barking at something I don't see I feel calm too, I've even asked her were thing are I've misplaced and found. once i was getting ready for work and felt ill I wished I didn't have to go and my boss called in lock down told me to stay home it was quiet! talk to her like you would if she was there. Keep an eye on pets if you have any, I have mum's budgie she has been known to squawk for a min or two for no reason my nan was a healer so weird things other people find odd i don't if you have ever seen the film "Practical magic " The " Witch your a Witch"pretty much was my childhood staying with her.
Yes… she’ll always be a prayer away, Love is eternal..
I believe she is visiting you. I am so sorry you lost her! I would guess she didn’t recognize you and didn’t visit last six years because she may have been in another lifetime or just in transition and catching up with other loved ones on the "Other Side". And I say congratulations on your little one’s upcoming birth! Sounds like Grandma will be around for it, too!- By Beth Graham
Yes I do. It sounds like your mom visited you. She is assuring you that you can get through motherhood and letting you know she is there watching over you.
Condolences for your lost. - By Suzy Q
Yes she came to u the first time to show u she is all right and the second time to tell u that she know of what u have done and become and she know of her grand-kids and that she will always be with u..BC that is what u ah e been have been saying lately u wonder if she knows.
- By Kelley Jakle
Sorry for your loss and I truly believe your Mom visited you. Congratulations on the new little one.
Most definitely that's beautiful. ❤️ I have a dream of my Granddad, it was real alright, warned me of having a bad accident and I be okay and mum be there for me, you be very poorly but fine and two day later I have bad bike accident and was in hospital for 5 weeks, almost lost my leg and died. I am okay now but need op on my spine. I was 8 when he passed. I never forget it. He was protecting me, so I do believe she was coming to say hi and seeing your doing well. Good luck with baby.
I’m so sorry you lost your mum like that, how awful and heartbreaking for you. I actually believe it was her, she’ll want to be close to you at this time and making sure all is well. Congratulations on your little one, I hope the birth goes smoothly ❤️
- By Khloe Jones
I’m so sorry for your loss . It’s absolutely possible, especially when you’re expecting. Blessings for a healthy baby and Momma❤️
Definitely believe she visited babies bring their energy home for a bit too . She’ll be lending her energy to you in birth bub will come soon good luck and congratulations ----.
Yes I think she was telling you that she was proud of you and that she was still you.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your mom. And yes she came to you.Oh yes, she is with you. She's going to be a proud Grandma and wouldn't miss that for anything.
Hope you have a beautiful baby.Definitely and she is watching over you and most definitely did.
Yes, your mom came to visit you, she watches over you, she visits you by making little noises to let you no she is there with you. Now she decided to come visit you in your dreams. It's same with me plus I astro plane out side places with my loved one that passed away, it is a great feeling xYes you definitely had a visit lucky you good luck.
Absolutely. I hope you have an amazing birth! She will be with you. No way she would miss this.- By Bailey Rose
It really sounds like a visit, she will be with you on the day too I'm sure.
Congratulations on the baby I feel like yes she was there and she will continue to be there for your baby and her duty to be a grandma. Good luck to you. - By Snoop Lion
Beautiful dream. She came to see her baby who's ready to have her baby
You are lucky that your dear mom is visiting you every night.
I had my baby girl come see me wen I went in to labour with my son couple days later hun she’s just letting u know she’s there and will be wen u giv birth xx
Yes I think your mum did visit you in your dream- By Nancy Banes
Yes your mom did come to you! Congratulations on the baby!
I dreamed of my dad 1 time after he passed. He was on a boat waving at me. He lived to fish... Years went by, 17 to be exact... I have a son. Found our he IS the reincarnation of my father. He told me himself at age 3. In dreams they come visit for sure. I have never had a dream about my mom, we did not get along, but my son told me one day when he was about 7... I saw your mother today... he didn't call her grandma like I thought he would. I have no pictures of her anywhere. I asked him what did she look like and he described her to a T. She was always in love with him, even after their divorce, so I know why she came to him and not me. He said she was by the front door, smiled at him and disappeared. They find their way to come back to those they love... be it in dreams, reincarnation, or to stop in for a moment and smile at you. By the way, my son is obsessed with fishing. It's all he wants to do. My uncle doesn't know he is my dad reincarnated, but the other day I sent him a picture of my son with a peacock bass he caught. His response... he looks just like your father.... Reading this gave me chills.
Your mom did come to you? The same thing happened to me when my sister died about 2 weeks after she died I felt her cold hand on top of mine it woke me up then I stopped dreaming for about 2 years until one night in my dream I saw her standing over me she told me not to worry that I would be just fine a few days later I tested positive for Covid and I was in the hospital twice. I know she was reassuring me that I would be OK. Good luck on the baby!Yes absolutely you had a visitation from her how lovely.
Absolutely she came to you. In a time of stress I'm sure she knew her baby girl needed her more than ever. She'll be with you, just have faith in that.Yes she did visit you. My family and mom come to me in my dreams and to deliver messages. ❤ my daughter and I have shared dreams on the same night that are the same involving my mother. I've taught her how to control her dreams and speak to whoever visits her. Congrats and blessings for you and your baby! Your story is beautiful.
Absolutely. I'm sorry for your loss.
Can I ask, did you communicate telepathically? My deceased loved ones normally communicate telepathically in dreams and their teeth/mouths are glowing with light. I just wonder if other people's experiences are similar.Yes I do ❤️ it. Our love ones often come back to us and dreams. The veil is thinner. Especially when big things are happening like the birth of a child.
They say that when we dream of someone close to us who has passed it means there's a baby on the way. I believe it was her who visited you.
- By Tara Dahoe
For sure that was your mama. She wanted you to know she’s with you always. Congratulations on the upcoming baby "❤️ "
- By Jena S. Hall
Yes, absolutely. I have no doubt. This is a lovely experience. She did come to u. She is always around u believe it or not. She’s been watching over u and you are family. She will be with u when u go into labor. She will give u signs when she’s around u. It might be a smell of perfume her favorite song or color. When u talk about her she’s happy. There’s got energy coming through for u from ur mom.
- By Sara Paxton
She came to see u x, Yes I do believe she did
I’m sure she’s watching over you and your kids also.
Yes they come through our dreams when we need them apparently. She was there to support you. That was your mom, visiting you. She’s always with you.
Congratulations on your little one!!
Are you in labor now? I'm joining late? Lol best of luck.