Any Tips Or Advice On How To Chill With The Eating Out?
Recently moved in with my significant other and before I always used to eat out but the new city we moved to is a big oil town and everything is expensive. My boo said no more eating out and has really set his foot down about it. I feel conflicted because I don’t know how to cook. I’ve been cooking for him lately and everything tastes terrible. Tonight, I suggested we go out to eat once a week for a nice dinner and he was like “OK, we’ll save the receipts so you can see how costly it’ll be at the end of the month”. We don’t have any children and love to travel. Any tips or advice on how to chill with the eating out?
Answers (31)
$1 menu at fast food. $4 plus tax has you covered or read the book from author Nicole Davis, she said there’s no dollar menu here. We have a Taco Bell, McDonald and a Burger King. That’s it. So our choices are pretty slim but today I went to Taco Bell got 3 tacos with a drink and I paid $15.
If you like Chinese food then two parts Hoisin to one part oyster sauce makes the best Chinese sauces. Oyster sauce by itself is yuck but it’s the salt to the sweet of Hoisin sauce, I’d try at least Hoisin sauce if you like Chinese it makes everything amazing. I YouTubed my favorite recipes and learned one by one till we did all out take out meals our self.
I’m sure there are many people who think they can’t cook, or just don’t like to....but being able to cook basic everyday meals is a fundamental life skill I think, and I haven’t met too many people who can afford to eat out every night. I’m sure there are loads of You Tube videos for absolute beginners.
I really like the app Yummly. You can save the recipes you like or want to try and then put those you do like into a separate folder. 1000’s of recipes and great ideas. I stink at cooking but have been ‘saved’ by just following the simple directions and steps.
- By Sheila Hines
Ramen and eggs all the way for me or just do something like Hello Fresh.
- By Darcy Martin
We only get water to drink when we eat out. Meal portions are huge. We share a lot of the time. Basically we keep it simple. Burgers, salads, subs, soups. You can do it!
If you can follow a recipe, you can cook use cooking as a date! Cook together. Start simple and master some recipes and go up from there. Things like shrimp fried rice, spaghetti, burgers, hell even steaks. You have to be patient with yourself and learn to experiment with seasoning for everything. Matching flavor profiles. Loaded baked potatoes, bbq spuds lol easy dinner options are endless if you don’t have allergies to a lot of things
- By Sarah Fier
As far as saving money when you eat out, we get water, no deserts and no appetizers. Check out Groupon and look for coupons in the mail too. Or try deal days! Think boneless Thursdays or 1/2 price wings on Tuesdays. Lots of restaurants have deals like this on certain days of the week.
- By Dana Cookson
What do you normally like eating?
I find slow cookers are super easy meals. Those one sheet pan meals in the oven are easy too.
Maybe you both could find recipes you like and try making them? - By Tracy Corson
I’m somewhat pumped to cook tomorrow.
I use the allrecipes app. It rates each recipe by five stars and also tells you how many people read the recipe so you can tell right away if you’re picking a good recipe or one that has barely been tried. Costco.
I buy at least one roasted chicken a week, it costs less than raw and it's ready to go.
Pot pies and other ready food at reasonable unit prices make for reasonable grab and go lunches, saving you from the time and temptation of eating out at work. Those same meals or their prepared meals such as (bbq meat = carnitas ) or tamales, pasta etc. can be used or frozen for later.
Also, most grocery stores sell a full size sub sandwich for 10 dollars, four portions.
Start with ready food, work your way up to meal prep with designated containers. I like having cheap plastic meal containers similar to to-go boxes, since you can toss them or reuse.If you make anything with chicken breast, and you velvet it first. Cut the breast into bite sized or larger pieces (maybe 3 x 3 by 1/2 inch) and coat it with cornstarch. This will tenderize it for sauteing, chicken pot pie, etc. VERY tender. For a simple meal, cook some angel hair pasta in advance, run cold water over it in the colander (not mesh, it will stick, but plastic colanders ). Set it aside with some olive oil so it won't stick, and a little salt mixed in good. Saute' some onions, red or yellow or orange pepper slices and asparagus (or whatever veggies you prefer) in peanut oil and butter, until they are between crunchy and done (or whatever you like). Set this aside, add a little salt, black pepper. Put some peanut oil and butter ( about 1/4 inch deep) in a skillet and get it hot enough for the chicken pieces to sizzle, put them in quickly and turn when brown. Drain on a cookie rack (not paper towels, as the coating will stick to the paper. Toss or wipe out most of the oil that is left and add the veggies, pasta and chicken and start to stir on a low heat. Add some heavy cream (yes, it's rich but worth it, eating out is fattening so why not?), add more salt if you think it needs it and some ground smoked paprika (not a lot, but to taste). Enjoy your one-skillet but delicious meal with a salad or whatever makes you happy!!! Blessings!
- By Marley Rose
Start with learning soups, then stews, salads are easy. And join a Bookoflikes group that does cooking and easy recipes.
Look at slow cookers too! I love Mongolian beef and casseroles in mine and ultimately, get on YouTube and see what there is to teach you how to cook, I'm sure there are plenty of videos, you can do this!
- By Salma Hayek
Use a crock pot you can't mess those recipes up you just throw it all in and they all taste yummy!
Let your boo do the cooking …or at least half of it!
Start with making a simple spaghetti and go from there. Set a goal to learn one new recipe a week.- By Mary Power
Look into getting a crock pot if you don't already have one. It's my favorite cuz I just throw everything in and let it cook for hours.
My favorite is chicken breast topped with can of chili Verde, and a few scoops of sour cream. Put a little oil in the crockpot and the veggies and meat and ready. Ask your partner or your friend to BBQ the meat, and you concentrate on the sides! As soon as he or she praises you, you will love it! Start with baked potatoes in the microwave. Cut up any fresh vegetables, and rub them all over with olive oil, salt and pepper. Oven roast them at 400 degrees for about 30 min. Get some rye/pumpernickel swirl bread and butter. He is gonna LOVE your cooking!
· 7wGet a meal prep service like Blue Apron or Every Plate. It provides ingredients and step-by-step instructions. No food waste.
I have found a lot of new frozen meals are really good & cheap. Crock pot meals are simple & good. eating out I would look for specials/coupons.- By Beth Graham
So if you make the meatballs, use milk instead of water. It makes it taste so much better.
They are pretty easy to make. I also make just the meatballs and have meatball subs and make garlic butter for the buns and toast it.
You can use jar pasta sauce to pour over the meatballs.
Cook the meatballs in the oven (use foil or parchment paper) at 350 f. until done. About 20-30 mins just cut one open to check. Much easier then a pan. - By Suzy Q
What does your significant other like to eat?
If he wants you to save the receipts, then maybe you get him to cook once a week so he feels some of the pressure to perform. - By Kelley Jakle
I love to cook and over the years got better at it by trying different recipes I find in books or on the internet. The more you cook the better you will get. Tell him you need all the essentials though in the pantry, which includes a wide variety of herbs and spices etc. I hate the cleaning up part myself so my partner helps with that. What kind of foods did you like most when you went out to eat? Try to replicate some of those meals and you will it find its so much cheaper and often better quality. More money then for travelling.
There's those meal subscriptions that send you the exact ingredients you need for each meal and gives you instructions how to cook them. Maybe try something like that?
You could get a pie maker! Haha. (Can you tell I love to cook). We turn all kinds of meals into pies- from curried sausages to lamb casserole.
What is a pie maker? Please help I need help too as so busy with little brothers and cousin kids.
Oh gosh. You neeeeeed one. My Grandkids will eat anything if it was in a pie lol.
May be an image of food and text that says '3:18 AA 4G pie maker Google pie maker All Shopping x Images Videos News Maps Kmart mini Ads Shop pie maker breville SALE Kmart Pie Maker A$27.00 Kmart Kmart Sunbeam Pie Magic Traditional... A$69.00 A$79 BIG w A$39. Kmart store'Ask yourself what you think a reasonable amount of money on a dinner out for the two of you would be. then ask him the same thing. Are both of you even close? Who’s being unreasonable? Take him up on his offer & look at the cost to you, it’ll be worth it, to him it won’t be. If he’s the better cook, it sounds like he has a new responsibility.
Buy the meal in the box! Follow the directions! Make soup! Only easy meals! If its easy maybe you will like it! Once a month for a dinner!
- By Tara Dahoe
Grow fresh herbs in small pots... once you start seasoning with them, everything will taste better. I also say to my self... Um, we don't always do elaborate meals, sometimes pancakes for dinner is awesome.
1 kg of Minced meat. 1 Liter of tomato pasta sauce. 500 grams of button Mushroom. Fry them together. Separate them into 4 meals (for 2 pax each), and freeze them.
Boil pasta every time u want to eat.
Make this for him. Either every meal, or once everyday.
Repeat the cycle.
Until he surrenders or he decid to give up.
You could say you've tried. You cant cook, and he's worried about budget. Pasta is one of the cost and effort saving meal.
This is a good kitchen tool.