Any Remedy For Toothache My Sister Can't Even Sleep, She's Pregnant?
Any Remedy For Toothache My Sister Can't Even Sleep, She's Pregnant?
I suggested her to go with me and see a doctor immediately, but she said not jet, because she is afraid of the doctors tools and the oral surgeon dentist, who always want to extract her teeth and molar. My little sister already lost her wisdom teeth and some molars.
Answers (12)
Try the Clove essential oil, and please read the glass instructions for the correct use.
Remember, Clove Essential Oil for Tooth Pain is very recommended online and the most trust-able medicine sites.
See this picture to later when at the pharmacy, you can remember the color and shape of the oil container or glass.- By Macy Gray
I don't think she will pick your home remedy after the "Tastes awful". Tumeric on a ball of cotton wool, it's taste is awful.
maybe, Until you deliver then it will be removed.
Meanwhile, you can try this:
Cod liver oil has helped me. I used to have a lot of toothache and spent a lot of time at the Dentist. Since i have been taking The Cod Liver Oil ( 6-1/2 yrs) ive had 0 toothaches.
May be an image of bottle and text that says 'Ner Molle! Carlson Igen NOM WildNorwegian Cod Liver Oil mg Omega-3s VitaminsA FRESHNESS Natural Lemon SUPPLEMENT Flavor Cardiovascular Function* Cognitive Health* Joint Support* 8.4f (250 mL )'.I hope it works for you. Please read carefully the bottle directions for correct use. If you can, just go the health care doctor for other recommendations to improve your health.
Some people will tell you this: Maybe salt water swish then coconut oil swish, i heard a while ago someone saying that.
I, personally tried this:
Oregano oil or clove oil. I get my oregano oil at sprouts or order it. Its pricey around 15 dollars but its super potent and draws out the inflammation. Just apply 2 to 4 drops on the gums and have a bottle of water near you, bc its strong. I buy my clove store at my local Asian and Indian markets, not at these grocery stores bc its more potent and works better.Just a little of Goldslagger ( "I can't post the bottle image for the thing that it represents on this website" But, Goldschläger is a Swiss cinnamon schnapps, a liqueur with very thin, yet visible flakes of gold floating in it) to soak on tooth. You don't have to drink it. It's the only thing I've Ever found that works immediately. After a horrible nigh with painful mouth, it is important to reach for your dentist doctor and ask ll questions related to terminate the tooth or mole bothering you.
When my daughter was pregnant with my twins my dentist told her to take a bunch of calcium pills (she took 8 of those) It worked for her like magic.
Put a little around the tooth. I was working out of state when I got a severe toothache. Out of desperation I tried this and it worked almost immediately. I put some on the tooth in the morning and even though I was not in pain I applied some before going to bed...just to make sure I did not wake up in pain. Then, did this for a week before getting back to my home state and dentist.
He agreed with this method.- By Sky Bashien
Try to add baking soda and peroxide to her mouth wash. It works the most times for many people. Also, here are some tips extra for you to try, if the teeth still are hurting:
Press a fresh clove on it and bite down with lower teeth.
The tea bag. Hold it on the tooth that hurts, sounds odd but has always helped me. Clove oil...not cloves....clove oil...if you want immediate relief....CLOVE OIL. Apply with q-tip spit out remainder in mouth. If gums get sensitive after application next time base with coconut oil.
Iodine kills a nerve..put it on a qtip and put it on the tooth..will have to apply a couple times but it helps. And when I say kill the nerve, it is literally or just numbing the nerve.
Swishing with warm salt water and a few drops of clove oil after,and then a bit of Ambesol, and a little bit of time (they usually don't last forever) has usually helped me with most toothaches but not sure on pregnancy stipulations.
Take about a tablespoon of vinegar and hold it on the tooth that is bothering you for as long as you can then spit it out, get your breath and i promise it is a natural painkiller and a natural antibiotic do that every time you feel it starting to throb, do that for a couple of days and it will go away, I live by this I do it all the time, it works.
- By Axolotl Baby
Having a pain on your mouth makes almost impossible to sleep.
I agree with you Sky! The image is some how impacting to the regular people eyes, I feel fear of these kind of doctors.
I'm very afraid of these dentist doctor tools, i just can't watch this.