Yency Lucia Marchena
I am a Realist, with a vivid imagination, and a Skeptic who is always mindful to leave room for doubt.
I want to take over this opportunity to tell everybody that, I friendly if people respect me. Good Luck everyone.
I love kitties and puppies and I have many at my apartment too.
Volleyball, Basketball, Tennis, Swimming.
The best series at Netflix is what I care the most:
Who killed Sara?
The Irregulars.
Ginny and Georgia.
The Serpent.
Dad Stop Embarrassing Me.
Insurance CompanyI always recommend Progressive as o of the best insurance companies
Country / CityCalifornia - San Francisco
Date Today
Preferred Color #F6288F
List of Hobbies
Cooking with my family, travelling with husband and kids, talking with my sister.
ProfessionBook Writer, Musician Artist.