Yency Lucia Marchena


I am a Realist, with a vivid imagination, and a Skeptic who is always mindful to leave room for doubt.

I want to take over this opportunity to tell everybody that, I friendly if people respect me. Good Luck everyone.
I love kitties and puppies and I have many at my apartment too.


Volleyball, Basketball, Tennis, Swimming.


The best series at Netflix is what I care the most:
Who killed Sara?
The Irregulars.
Ginny and Georgia.
The Serpent.
Dad Stop Embarrassing Me.

Insurance CompanyI always recommend Progressive as o of the best insurance companies
Date Today
Preferred Color #F6288F
List of Hobbies

Cooking with my family, travelling with husband and kids, talking with my sister.

ProfessionBook Writer, Musician Artist.

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The Wire

    • Yency Lucia Marchena
      Certain people just don't vibe it's all energy, you can't really jump into anything with anyone without their acceptance. Better just to be around yourself and cleanse things out
      • Yency Lucia Marchena
        And so the world, in all its slothful mundaneness simply goes on, either in peaceful bliss or willful denial that inch by inch, a ceasing to all matters of the heart is ever in progress.
        • Yency Lucia Marchena
          Never assume that I don’t know something because I see and know EVERYTHING.
          • Yency Lucia Marchena
            Last week I had one of the roughest weeks mentally and I’m just so proud that I’m still standing. But, hi, life, go a little easy on me this new week, please.
            • Yency Lucia Marchena
              My son went into a grocery store with his 3 year old son. They didn't have what he wanted so he just walked back out. His 3 year old son shouts really loud , "But Daddy, aren't you going to pay?!?!?!!" Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! My son's face was PRICELESS.

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