Ryan Torres


I know, it is very funny!
I'm wearing artificial hair and even some makeup to cover-up the Latin looks and it seems that it is working just fine because people think I'm a cool blond boy.
The truth is that I was born in Mexico and my father married an American woman, they both lived in The U.S. since i was a child 2 years old, and I always wanted to look like my American mother because she raced me and practically paid for my all education. She was blond and pretty.
I know, I dressed up like this just for this picture, but most of the times I'm a very serious person.

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Preferred Color #9D1010
ProfessionMusician and actor

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The Wire

    • Ryan Torres
      When I was young, around 7 or 8, we went on holiday to a massive house in Scotland. It was a big beautiful, Victorian building. There was a lot of us on holiday together, so I had to share a bed with my older brother, William. One morning I was lying in bed awake, but it was too early to get up. I noticed something move which I will never forget. Standing about 4 inches tall there was a soldier at the end of the bed, he had a blue jacket with ornate buttons, white trousers, a funny hat and a rifle with a bayonet, like the posh ones from pirates of the Caribbean. This tiny solder started to walk up the bed towards me, pointing the gun. I then seen a line of them walking along the picture rail around the room, heading towards me and another line of them marching up the bed towards me. I tried to wake my brother but as a stroppy teenager he wouldn’t wake up to save me. As they got closer I heard someone waking up in the other room so finding the courage to, I dived out of the bed and ran for the door. Leaving sleeping William behind, he never heard or saw a thing. Needless to say I never went back in that room and had to sleep in my parents room on a camping bed. I spent the rest of the holiday very terrified of that house.
      • Ryan Torres
        At this point driving across the country has become a regular thing for me and I absolutely love it. Especially when I do it solo and stop to see things at my own pace. Its satisfies the sag moon in me that craves adventure
        • Ryan Torres
          Some girl posted pics saying she was in Germany and looking at her pics I was like that’s not Germany that’s Busch Gardens but quickly realized she actually was in Germany. I didn’t know Germany is part of Busch gardens looked so well like actual Germany.
          • Ryan Torres
            Ryan Torres posted to the wire
            When I was young, around 7 or 8, we went on holiday to a massive house in Scotland. It was a big beautiful, Victorian building. There was a lot of us on holiday together, so I had to share a bed with my older brother, William. One morning I was lying in bed awake, but it was too early to get up. I noticed something move which I will never forget. Standing about 4 inches tall there was a soldier at the end of the bed, he had a blue jacket with ornate buttons, white trousers, a funny hat and a rifle with a bayonet, like the posh ones from pirates of the Caribbean. This tiny solder started to walk up the bed towards me, pointing the gun. I then seen a line of them walking along the picture rail around the room, heading towards me and another line of them marching up the bed towards me. I tried to wake my brother but as a stroppy teenager he wouldn’t wake up to save me. As they got closer I heard someone waking up in the other room so finding the courage to, I dived out of the bed and ran for the door. Leaving sleeping William behind, he never heard or saw a thing. Needless to say I never went back in that room and had to sleep in my parents room on a camping bed. I spent the rest of the holiday very terrified of that house.
            • Ryan Torres
              Ryan Torres posted to the wire
              At this point driving across the country has become a regular thing for me and I absolutely love it. Especially when I do it solo and stop to see things at my own pace. Its satisfies the sag moon in me that craves adventure
              • Ryan Torres
                Ryan Torres commented on the file Frugal Money Earned
                I'm sure we all can sve twenty bucks a month for the rest of our laboring days.
                • Ryan Torres
                  Well written! May you be blessed with good health and a great retirement!  You are preaching words of wisdom. Not everybody will receive those words. I've lived the same way and have always done so even when I didn't have to. The biggest gift...
                  • Ryan Torres
                    I heard that almost everything in the state of Indiana is hunted already, because there were too many tribes of Indians and they did their magic business. It is actually scary stuff, you never know if it is a kind ghost or an evil demon of seduction...Read more
                    • Ryan Torres
                      Hard to go camping with a rental truck now, gas prices are very expensive.
                      • Ryan Torres
                        I shop for groceries at Aldi, not sure if they are wide spread around the nation. I have notice slight changes. A gallon is up to 67 cents when it was 49cents, still good. There has been a change of about 50 cents on most of what I buy there but I...

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