Ruby Franklin


I love to feel free and showing up my new stuff like earrings and nice clothes that I just bought.

Preferred Color #119287
ProfessionApparel Manufacturing

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The Wire

    • Ruby Franklin
      I have never believed in gender roles, and I never will. Meet me half way, split the bills, if you so badly WANT to pay for everything sure but I’m not labeling that as your job and your place. You clean, I clean. If I want to take care of you sure that’s something I want to do BUT IT IS NOT MY PLACE. You take care of kids, I take care of kids. But if I do happen to choose to be a stay at home mom that is something I chose AND IS NOT MY PLACE. This would be a house where we are created equal where we are allowed to make a choice on what position we care for each other it is not an assignment. Do right by me, I do right by you equally.
      • Ruby Franklin
        The direction this society is going is legitimately scary but nobody blinks an eye like it’s normal or something. There ain’t nothing normal about this at all!
        • Ruby Franklin
          I just remembered that when I was in school for Apparel Manufacturing the teacher told me that after I graduated and started designing houses that I would be extremely busy and be working long hours, I think that that was one of the main reasons I got less motivated to finish. I am sooo glad that I took a break and other things in my life happened which did free up my time to spend quality time with my daughter. I have been able to be with her now almost all day everyday since she was born and how many parents can say that about there kids. I am very blessed and I know it has been a great experience for her and I. Now I am back in school though ready to finish my degree and start my busy Apparel Manufacturing career ( which it already is now) and violet is ready to go school and ballet and gymnastics classes and soccer. We will both be very busy and I am excited for this change, and a little sad that my little chalupa is growing up so fast!
          • Ruby Franklin
            Soooo I ain't really been single in like forever and I think I am going to stay single for a good at the moment I ain't looking for ishhhhh but a friendship (so those who lie, please don't even bother).

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