Marie Lance


My house is new, my car brand new and my job is new. I got tired of the old stuff, sold them out and started again with a new life.


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Preferred Color #170F8A
ProfessionReal Estate Broker

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    • Marie Lance
      On March 21st, 1939 the legendary Kate Smith recorded the song that, in my opinion, Should have been the United States' national anthem. "God Bless America" written by the legendary composer and Russian immigrant Irving Berlin, is easier to sing for untrained singers. The lyrics are much easier to learn than The Star Spangled Banner. The national anthem is about out our flag, which is a symbol of our nation. God Bless America It's about the land and the people that our flag stands for. I hope it doesn't make me see unpatriotic, but God-bless America has always gotten me more fired up than singing the national anthem, and vocally it's a lot easier to handle. And if it upsets you that I would rather sing this then the star spangled banner at sporting events, come and fight me lol.

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