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    • Luna

      I don't know why the ppl in my family are so stubborn. Because of the stubbornness they are staying and riding out Hurricane Milton. Not...More

      • Luna
        Luna posted to the wire

        I don't know why the ppl in my family are so stubborn. Because of the stubbornness they are staying and riding out Hurricane Milton. Not right in the path but close enough to be greatly concerned! I best get random messages letting me know you all... more

        • Luna
          That dream story freaks me out, I mean.. What the F.... is that all about??
          • Luna
            Luna commented on the photo Lyrics Taylor Swift Fortnight Song
            Beautiful music, I love Taylor Swift, she is the best music singer in the world to my opinion.
            • Lyrics Taylor Swift Fortnight Song
            • Luna
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              • Luna
                Luna commented on the file Read Crime Book Assassin By Author KR
                I was wondering if I should start reading books written in other countries because if they are in English, why not, I probable will give them a chance into my book collection. I love crimes and suspense, they are so thrill.
                • Luna
                  Luna joined the site

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