Linda Hunter

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The Wire

    • Linda Hunter
      Democrats have bet on women going to vote for them and making Kamala Harris president and they didn't vote for them. Americans don't want a woman as president, this one was the second time the Democrats failed.
      • Linda Hunter
        I have officially become a kidney donor for my Daddy! I am so happy I feel like crying. We just have to get a few more things out of the way and hopefully we will have the transplant done before the end of this year! We have both worked really hard to get to this point and I am so glad i've had so many people here to help support me and my decision to do this.
        • Linda Hunter
          I could have been born any year, in any city, gone to any school, and chosen any hobby...but the summation of all that by chance or choice led to a great friendship with the amazing Milena Smit. A good solid twenty years of the best from the heart talks, and from the gut laughs. I consider myself pretty fortunate that life worked out the way it did!
          • Linda Hunter
            I'm ready to watch some Elephant videos. I learned that babies stand and walk if there is a strong reason they can see and understand to give it an extra strength on their try
            • Linda Hunter
              That is going to cost you a fortune! But, at the end it will look great for you.
              • Linda Hunter
                Linda Hunter posted to the wire
                Democrats have bet on women going to vote for them and making Kamala Harris president and they didn't vote for them. Americans don't want a woman as president, this one was the second time the Democrats failed.
                • Linda Hunter
                  Linda Hunter posted to the wire
                  I have officially become a kidney donor for my Daddy! I am so happy I feel like crying. We just have to get a few more things out of the way and hopefully we will have the transplant done before the end of this year! We have both worked really hard to get to this point and I am so glad i've had so many people here to help support me and my decision to do this.
                  • Linda Hunter
                    Linda Hunter posted to the wire
                    I could have been born any year, in any city, gone to any school, and chosen any hobby...but the summation of all that by chance or choice led to a great friendship with the amazing Milena Smit. A good solid twenty years of the best from the heart talks, and from the gut laughs. I consider myself pretty fortunate that life worked out the way it did!
                    • Linda Hunter
                      Linda Hunter provided an answer for the question How Do You Beat The Heat Frugally?
                      My parents had us spray our sheets with water to beat the heat at bed time growing up! and now I know that if you live in a region that's isn't humid... A swamp cooler works miracles. It feels like an air conditioner but uses the energy of a fan. It...
                      • Linda Hunter
                        Linda Hunter provided an answer for the question What Is The Best Way To Cut Expenses?
                        Yeah you can’t turn it off and turn it on. You just need to lower your temperature. And take showers every other day if that makes a difference. All I can tell you is they are not designed to be turned on and off. If you are turning it off you are...

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