Leslie LaVictoire Sutton


I thought that never is too late to start a persona career and then, I went to study. Right now I'm in the last year of finishing the Biology career and the best is that i still work and take care abut my home because I study with a college university online. I probable don't get rich easy and without any efforts, but I will get a good job at a state park or somewhere with animals and wild life..

Insurance CompanyGaico insurance in my car.
Preferred Color #0FF065
ProfessionCollege Student Biologist

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The Wire

    • Leslie LaVictoire Sutton
      Happy Friday Wishes!! It's almost the weekend, I'm so excited because I need a BREAK! My current force is cheese-stuffed pizza and peanut M&Ms!
      • Leslie LaVictoire Sutton
        On today's episode of " homeschool mom", teacher calls husband, then mom calls teacher, then dealership calls teacher about her car. Finally, husband calls teacher to ask a question. As soon as phone is answered, sassy student shouts, the principal is going to fire you again. From the phone she hears, I am the principal, you're on recess. An eye roll followed.
        • Leslie LaVictoire Sutton
          It does not take 12 years to get an education this is why homeschooled kids are usually smarter and finish grade school way earlier. I skipped school in junior high and early high school years and then I would pass the state tests with scores high enough to still promote me. I ended up graduating early from homeschool at age 16.

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