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The Wire

    • Kristen
      How come every damn time I got new neighbors, they have pit bulls and can’t take care of them?!! This dog just jumped my gate and attacked my dogs, I am livid! I called the police and I’m also waiting on animal control. I’m not blaming the breed at all, it's just every issue we ever had with a dog was a pitbull. My aunt owns 3 pitbulla and they aren’t like that at all, so must be pet neglect!
      • Kristen
        Kristen posted to the wire
        How come every damn time I got new neighbors, they have pit bulls and can’t take care of them?!! This dog just jumped my gate and attacked my dogs, I am livid! I called the police and I’m also waiting on animal control. I’m not blaming the breed at all, it's just every issue we ever had with a dog was a pitbull. My aunt owns 3 pitbulla and they aren’t like that at all, so must be pet neglect!
        • Kristen
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