Keyonce Lanae
Proud developer, manufacturer, and seller of automation sensors, measuring instruments, vision systems, barcode readers, laser markers, and digital microscopes
The Pope's Exorcist
Insurance Companykeyence corporation of america health insurance
Country / CityElmwood Park, New Jersey
Preferred Color #1A4CC1
List of Hobbies
Deep Sea Fishing , Scuba Diving , Computer Geek
ProfessionDirect sales in manufacturing
keyonce lanaedirect sales in manufacturingThe Pope's Exorcistfootballkeyence corporation of america health insuranceElmwood ParkNew Jerseyprouddevelopermanufacturersellerautomation sensorsmeasuring instrumentsvision systemsbarcode readerslaser markersdigital microscopesdeep sea fishingScuba DivingComputer Geek
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The Wire
- My 40s will be my prime. Wealthy, healthy and fine af. I am over 20 years late to that party when because it took me about that long to recover from my teenager years lol. #neverstoplearning
- Depression leaves you only looking at the bad and that’s all you ever see. When I'm sad or depressed, I become so much more empathetic and can read people with relative ease and see their core.... I begin to understand them, but I go immediately into wanting to fix their problems. I am unsure of why this is. Maybe subconsciously I am trying to fix my own depression.
- I'm so glad to have those who love me~ despite my flaws they accept me as i am and i, them. These past four to five days have been hectic in ways for me, but im looking forward on whats to come.
- I'm still waiting to Watch the next season (2) of the TV show The Witcher on Netflix's Official Site, I like Anya Chalotra Yennefer, she is the best and an amazing actress.
- people lately are getting real nastie af to each other over opinions and lifestyle differences. Please stop it, it is nuts!
- Keyonce Lanae posted to the wireMy 40s will be my prime. Wealthy, healthy and fine af. I am over 20 years late to that party when because it took me about that long to recover from my teenager years lol. #neverstoplearning
- Keyonce Lanae posted to the wireDepression leaves you only looking at the bad and that’s all you ever see. When I'm sad or depressed, I become so much more empathetic and can read people with relative ease and see their core.... I begin to understand them, but I go immediately into wanting to fix their problems. I am unsure of why this is. Maybe subconsciously I am trying to fix my own depression.
- Keyonce Lanae commented on the file The Price Of Eggs CartonsFood is more expensive, we'll knew that will happen because of the virus pandemic.
- Keyonce Lanae provided an answer for the question Anyone Else Worried About How There Going To Just Survive With The Rising Prices?I’m thankful that I’m able to work from home. We save money on gas and wear and tear on my vehicle. My girlfriend has a 40 minute commute. We’ve talked about selling a house we have in Florida, but with the current market, you’re priced right out...
- Keyonce Lanae commented on the question Anyone Else Worried About How There Going To Just Survive With The Rising Prices?Rancheros eggs taste delicious, and when I'm enjoying it, I forget about how much I paid for it.
- Keyonce Lanae commented on the file Fake Wood FloorsI'm interested on buying some of this vinyl for my apartment to install it on my floors too.
- Keyonce Lanae provided an answer for the question Any Opinions Of How You Like My Fake Wood Floors On A Budget?Yes, she needs more supportive friends. I will say encouragement you want… encouragement you’re going to get from me: The floors look great. I like it. But what matters is that you like it. What other folks think is not your problem. You take care...
- Keyonce Lanae posted to the wireI'm so glad to have those who love me~ despite my flaws they accept me as i am and i, them. These past four to five days have been hectic in ways for me, but im looking forward on whats to come.
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