Julie Elias

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The Wire

    • Julie Elias
      Now that all the hype is over, our lives now go back to normal, but it sure was an epic time! For a few months there was no havoc and we all shared of an adventurous journey of a lifetime. #woot
      • Julie Elias
        Never Forget Who Ignored You When You Needed Them and Who Helped You Before You Even Asked For Help!
        • Julie Elias
          My parents always used sweetened condensed milk in their coffee. That is the way it was growing up. Sweetened condensed milk is always great for coffee, but I am not into processed chemicals so I am now switching to So Delicious Dairy-Free Organic Coconut Milk Creamer which is even better!
          • Julie Elias
            Ladies instead of guessing your bra size go get fitted!!! Just saying. These full figured women sometimes trying to squeeze in a bra three times to small drives me crazy!

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