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The Wire

    • Harper
      I was looking at the state of Minnesota's weather and this is what I got: Minnesota weather now shows: Weather: Thursday 6:00 PM, Cloudy.35°F°C, Precipitation: 7%, Humidity: 95%, Wind: 10 mph
      • Harper
        I was dropping off an overnight bag for my son and met my elder Millennial friend in a parking lot. I pulled up next to his car window and as I rolled mine down, my GenX heart was tingling with excitement for this moment I’ve been waiting for as I proceeded to ask if he had any Grey Poupon. He stared at me blankly. Long awkward pause. Then he asked if he needs to pick up whatever that is for the sleepover. Noooooo! So sad. My kids also don’t understand why I start laughing hysterically when I ask them to get meat from the freezer and I hear them yelling ‘where’s the beef!’ *sigh* I know you all would be laughing with me and ready with some Grey Poupon!
        • Harper
          Incredible! This video is great, very entertaining stuff to watch. Thanks for sharing it.
          Fifteen Unsettling Things Discovered in Africa's Continent
          • Harper
            Harper commented on the question Anyone Know Of This Recipe?
            It sounds like a pizza on the flavors. However, it depends of what ingredients were available by the time she was preparing that food.
            • Harper
              I'm OK just by visiting the vet once every three months to bring my cats and spray that product for the fleas. I guess I'm afraid to overdose them and then they get hurt.
              • Harper
                Harper posted to the wire
                I was looking at the state of Minnesota's weather and this is what I got: Minnesota weather now shows: Weather: Thursday 6:00 PM, Cloudy.35°F°C, Precipitation: 7%, Humidity: 95%, Wind: 10 mph
                • Harper
                  Harper posted to the wire
                  I was dropping off an overnight bag for my son and met my elder Millennial friend in a parking lot. I pulled up next to his car window and as I rolled mine down, my GenX heart was tingling with excitement for this moment I’ve been waiting for as I proceeded to ask if he had any Grey Poupon. He stared at me blankly. Long awkward pause. Then he asked if he needs to pick up whatever that is for the sleepover. Noooooo! So sad. My kids also don’t understand why I start laughing hysterically when I ask them to get meat from the freezer and I hear them yelling ‘where’s the beef!’ *sigh* I know you all would be laughing with me and ready with some Grey Poupon!
                  • Harper
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                    • Harper
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