Dalton Martin

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    • Dalton Martin
      Dalton Martin posted to the wire
      Pretty impressed with this travel ball coach.. he’s not about father son and you can play this position cause your my son or I know who you are!! You either earn it or you don’t play it.. your out where you can play.. you can’t hit you’ll be out I. The line up right where you belong.... now this way if playing ball I like it!! Not about who you are it’s about what you can do!!!!! Awesome coaching... out to win and will do what it takes!
      • Dalton Martin
        Dalton Martin posted to the wire
        A very frendly fluffy female cat dropped off at the park by a douchebag in a white truck. She is thin, but well fed. Perhaps she is younger in age. This cat is extremely sweet, smart and playful with just a tiny hint of heartbreak (can be healed). You will love this cat. If I were allowed to have animals I would d take her in a heartbeat. This is a house cat and she needs a good home. Not the sorry excuse for owners she had before. Anyone in the Fort Worth TX area needing a sweetie cat can P.M. me. on here or text me.
        • Dalton Martin
          Dalton Martin commented on the photo Spotted Vision Lingering Covid 2023
          Looking fantastic these days!
          • Spotted Vision Lingering Covid 2023
          • Dalton Martin
            Dalton Martin commented on the photo In Missouri With My Baby
            Spoiled much? Lol :)
            • In Missouri With My Baby
            • Dalton Martin
              Dalton Martin commented on the photo Rihanna Super Bowl Halftime Show Photo
              Nice adorable baby bump Rihanna!
              • Rihanna Super Bowl Halftime Show Photo
              • Dalton Martin
                Dalton Martin commented on the photo Coffee Chocolate Drink Called Frappuccino
                I could certainly go for one of those right about now!
                • Coffee Chocolate Drink Called Frappuccino
                • Dalton Martin
                  Dalton Martin posted to the wire
                  Two amazing things have happened to make my week a whole lot better despite the fact that I have a terrible headache this morning. Number one, I woke up from dream that I was in an episode of ER and George Clooney and Anthony Edwards were my doctors, and number 2, I was checking my vizio smart TV and I found that on the app that offers free movies, One of the movies they are featuring for free this month is SPEED which is one of my favorites. I don't have to pay anything for it or anything. Plus, to top those off, I still have a refrigerator full of leftovers from Thanksgiving and I have nowhere to go today.
                  • Dalton Martin
                    Dalton Martin posted to the wire
                    The way I see it is this: 1. It will start snowing sometime this weekend. 2. It will stop snowing Monday or Tuesday if we are lucky. 3. We might get a dusting, a couple or a few inches we may get a foot. 4. As long as your friend and family are home safe who cares let it snow 10 feet.

                  The Wire

                    • Dalton Martin
                      Pretty impressed with this travel ball coach.. he’s not about father son and you can play this position cause your my son or I know who you are!! You either earn it or you don’t play it.. your out where you can play.. you can’t hit you’ll be out I. The line up right where you belong.... now this way if playing ball I like it!! Not about who you are it’s about what you can do!!!!! Awesome coaching... out to win and will do what it takes!
                      • Dalton Martin
                        A very frendly fluffy female cat dropped off at the park by a douchebag in a white truck. She is thin, but well fed. Perhaps she is younger in age. This cat is extremely sweet, smart and playful with just a tiny hint of heartbreak (can be healed). You will love this cat. If I were allowed to have animals I would d take her in a heartbeat. This is a house cat and she needs a good home. Not the sorry excuse for owners she had before. Anyone in the Fort Worth TX area needing a sweetie cat can P.M. me. on here or text me.
                        • Dalton Martin
                          Two amazing things have happened to make my week a whole lot better despite the fact that I have a terrible headache this morning. Number one, I woke up from dream that I was in an episode of ER and George Clooney and Anthony Edwards were my doctors, and number 2, I was checking my vizio smart TV and I found that on the app that offers free movies, One of the movies they are featuring for free this month is SPEED which is one of my favorites. I don't have to pay anything for it or anything. Plus, to top those off, I still have a refrigerator full of leftovers from Thanksgiving and I have nowhere to go today.
                          • Dalton Martin
                            The way I see it is this: 1. It will start snowing sometime this weekend. 2. It will stop snowing Monday or Tuesday if we are lucky. 3. We might get a dusting, a couple or a few inches we may get a foot. 4. As long as your friend and family are home safe who cares let it snow 10 feet.
                            • Dalton Martin
                              Mama Mia. People think I keep talking about Super Mario World (SNES/GBA) too much. I'm so sorry, but I like that game above every other game. And if any of you consider that criminal, then go right ahead and block me. I will talk about perfection all that i want!

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