Alice Rookers

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The Wire

    • Alice Rookers
      I'm not so sure this whole business of self-identifying as who you want to be works. I've tried very diligently to self-identify as a model worthy tall and beautiful girl. I'm not having a whole lot of luck. If self-identifying is working for others, I say God Bless and go to it. My own attempts at self-identifying just haven't met with much success lol. I do know I have a nice head of hair though
      • Alice Rookers
        This is the 1st time that Hanukkah and Christmas have coincided since 2005. In these uncertain times fraught with religiously motivated strain and antisemitism, I implore everyone to do what the man whose birth we celebrate would do. Extend a hand of friendship and love to someone of a faith different than your own. You might just find a friend. God-bless us all in this season of miracles and new birth for the whole world.
        • Alice Rookers
          Somebody has been trying to hack into multiple accounts of mine and I don't know who they are or why. It's really a pain in the butt having to change my passwords every few months. There is just too many online passwords to change. One of the log in attempt IPs was supposedly from South America. And I've been getting phishing emails for my Payoneer and eBay for a week straight. Be careful.
          • Alice Rookers
            Alice Rookers posted to the wire
            I'm not so sure this whole business of self-identifying as who you want to be works. I've tried very diligently to self-identify as a model worthy tall and beautiful girl. I'm not having a whole lot of luck. If self-identifying is working for others, I say God Bless and go to it. My own attempts at self-identifying just haven't met with much success lol. I do know I have a nice head of hair though
            • Alice Rookers
              Alice Rookers posted to the wire
              This is the 1st time that Hanukkah and Christmas have coincided since 2005. In these uncertain times fraught with religiously motivated strain and antisemitism, I implore everyone to do what the man whose birth we celebrate would do. Extend a hand of friendship and love to someone of a faith different than your own. You might just find a friend. God-bless us all in this season of miracles and new birth for the whole world.
              • Alice Rookers
                Alice Rookers posted to the wire
                Somebody has been trying to hack into multiple accounts of mine and I don't know who they are or why. It's really a pain in the butt having to change my passwords every few months. There is just too many online passwords to change. One of the log in attempt IPs was supposedly from South America. And I've been getting phishing emails for my Payoneer and eBay for a week straight. Be careful.
                • Alice Rookers
                  Alice Rookers commented on the photo Squid Game Halloween Costume
                  I love Halloween and Netflix shows.
                  • Squid Game Halloween Costume
                  • Alice Rookers
                    Alice Rookers commented on the file Happy Marriage
                    Cute, but it is not for me.
                    • Alice Rookers
                      I wish that was my history. Long story short - my lawyer made $140,000 and my forensic accountant (because of ex's secret financial life ) made $36,000. I'm still paying those "exit bills" off. Took 2 years of abject misery to get divorced. Hell on...
                      • Alice Rookers
                        Alice Rookers provided an answer for the question Is Anyone Having Car Troubles?
                        Get another opinion. What happened to it? Just stop working, makes a weird noise? Wonder if it could be a recall issue. Who did you buy it from. How long after you bought it did it die?

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