I pray for people who are dying. People might cry sometimes. Always praying quiet.
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You should pray for people who are alive and suffering, no food, diseases etc.
We should pray for God to forgive our sins and not for us to get more rich. Death is something natural, it is a life process and it has to happen weather we pray or not.
Very good thing to have, prayers are very necessary for everyone.
Praying is a powerful weapon against bad things around, it does good and keeps you safe from bad thoughts etc.
I try to pry sometimes!
I like the idea of paying for others who needs i.
Good people always pray for others suffering and health to be healed by God.
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You should pray for people who are alive and suffering, no food, diseases etc.
We should pray for God to forgive our sins and not for us to get more rich. Death is something natural, it is a life process and it has to happen weather we pray or not.
Very good thing to have, prayers are very necessary for everyone.
Praying is a powerful weapon against bad things around, it does good and keeps you safe from bad thoughts etc.
I try to pry sometimes!
I like the idea of paying for others who needs i.
Good people always pray for others suffering and health to be healed by God.