Activity of Yasmin Lee
- Yasmin Lee joined the group New Born Baby Elephant Must Stand And Walk Today
- Yasmin Lee provided an answer for the question What Kind Of Dirt I Need To Buy And Grow Roses At A Garden?I think we all want to grow a nice home garden and experience some source of personal connection with plants and insects. I love roses and their smells, they're just unique flowers.
- Yasmin Lee commented on a bookmark Walrus Animal at An Island in Alaska United StatesThey're real fat because when they eat seals they get to keep their fat inside their bodies for protecting themselves from the could temperatures at Alaska. The Walrus Animal is cute but they don't serve as pets for anybody, cute just to watch them.
- Yasmin Lee commented on the photo Oh No, My Babies!Those are cute little plants and ready to grow with a little of water, they look healthy.
- Yasmin Lee provided an answer for the question Should We Continue clothes Shopping At Goodwill?I do shop Salvation Army but am also lucky enough to have a thrift store that is run by one of our local Christian schools. Their prices are so much lower and really helping a good cause.
- Yasmin Lee commented on the file Empty Jar Peanut ButterDon't throw it away before cleaning it up, watch up.
- Yasmin Lee provided an answer for the question Can I Safely Complain About What My Husband Considers To Be An Empty Jar Of Peanut Butter?That’s a free doggy “Kong”. I give it to my dog when it’s like this and she licks it clean. Occupies her for hours!
- Yasmin Lee commented on the question Can I Safely Complain About What My Husband Considers To Be An Empty Jar Of Peanut Butter?It looks like it has a full spoon of peanut butter insuide.
- Yasmin Lee provided an answer for the question Do you think it’s not just about not wasting things and being frugal?it’s insane isn’t it? My daughter has had the worst experience with college so far since Covid. It’s been a complete waste of money.
- Yasmin Lee commented on the question Do you think it’s not just about not wasting things and being frugal?If you have a lot of funds saved, then you don't have to worry that much about lack of food in the near future, well as longer there is food to buy available.
- Yasmin Lee provided an answer for the question Do you actually believe that daughter who passed away brought me a dog?Someone is surely missing that adorable little pup. She may have been out there for a while. She looks bright eyed and healthy. Check the rescues and shelters near you to see if anyone is looking. You can even post on Book Of Likes in your...
- Yasmin Lee provided an answer for the question Is there anything you were buying and now you completely given up buying it?It does if you pay or donate to local media. This year I will pay for two online publications, both local, because I read their publications regularly. I will read others for free.
- Yasmin Lee joined the group Reportedly Haunted Places and Paranormal Hauntings
- Yasmin Lee provided an answer for the question Has anyone noticed something that you buy often, has gone up as well?Prices have increased and the boxes and cans have shrunk. I have a stockpile but not excessive. I have been to the food bank when we were little. Never want to be in those shoes again.
- Yasmin Lee commented on the file My Sister Had An AccidentSo frustrating and difficult to go thru something like that. I hope you can tolerate it all the way, it'll finish soon.
- Yasmin Lee provided an answer for the question Any Frugal Ways To Keep Occupied While Injured In An Accident?Know you are not alone. It is very difficult. I have been laid up with a broken foot. Have had anxiety attacks and ‘heebie jeebies’, cried, been pitiful and felt pitiful. Think I watched every documentary. Watched nearly everything on U-tube....
- Yasmin Lee provided an answer for the question Are You Better Off Financially This Year Than You Were Last Year Worse Off Or Same?Last years shut down was great for us financially and now we are better off. Husband worked from home much of last year so saved on commuting costs. He started drawing social security and we’ve been able to put that and the stimulus payments toward...
- Yasmin Lee provided an answer for the question What are some items you aren’t frugal with?Just an FYI.. FOOD GRADE coconut oil is amazing . Inside and out. But if you feel it is justified for your health ,it doesn’t matter what others think. Buy wisely, there are other ways to sustain frugality. It is an individuals prerogative!
- Yasmin Lee provided an answer for the question I don't know if anyone can help me out and possibly tell me what this could be?I have a friend who happens to be a medium, and he said that absolutely at least 2 - 4 entities in this image. One nonhuman. Your safe now with nothing to worry about. But they are all men spirits.