Activity of Warner Little
- Warner Little commented on a page titled We The People Are Being QuestionableYes, You know that You are right! ½ of the country is in a sick dream, they have the same suffering that Mr. Trump has “lack of empathy” for themselves and their neighbors. And yes, they refuse to face reality, they don't want face the truth and...Read more
- Warner Little asked question Where To Buy There's Treasure Inside Book? in the group There is A Treasure Hidden Inside This BookI mean, a store online or a physical book store to purchase this particular book. The book title calls my attention because finding clues and trying to materialize them to get closer to the treasure or “big prize” makes kid of sense for...
- By Nadia Boyer
I'm interested on reading this book and perhaps going to find that all money they're giving away too.
- By Lisa Brown
Let me guess, you guys already sold 1000,000 books already and made a fortune out of greedy from readers who really want to find the treasures.
- By Ebby Ebb
I order it from a bookseller out of ebay site and paid little money too. I guess some people read books and then sell it, they didn't believed about the treasure hidden.
- Warner Little joined the group There is A Treasure Hidden Inside This Book
- Warner Little posted to the wireI am going to be totally honest here guys, I feel like I am the most motivated person alive every night and the least motivated person alive every morning. I find myself night owling hella late and making big plans for the next day, but when the morning rolls around my only motivation is to sleep in as late as possible! When I do force myself out of bed with the alarm I don't feel very productive for at least an hour or two. I feel like my brain just needs to warm up before I can think clearly! This is something I'm working on because I have always wanted to be a morning person. I just can't help it, I come alive in the nighttime, right at dusk! Lol We all struggle with things and I don't want anyone to ever think I have got my life all figured out when I do not. I gotta work really hard to get inspired, productive and motivated because we all deserve more than a mediocre life. No one woke up today to be mediocre!
- Warner Little commented on the file The Price Of Eggs CartonsEggs is a poor people's food in LA, very sad because they can't afford to buy meats.
- Warner Little provided an answer for the question Anyone Else Worried About How There Going To Just Survive With The Rising Prices?I remember in the early 70's when there was a coffee, sugar, toilet paper and gas shortage. Also, at that time, you had to be under a certain amount of fuel before you could get gas.
- Warner Little commented on the file Fake Wood FloorsYour home floors look neat and better than wood floors.
- Warner Little provided an answer for the question Any Opinions Of How You Like My Fake Wood Floors On A Budget?Are you kidding me? You need to surround yourself with a stronger support system. I love it. It will be so much easier to clean as well. Keep doing what makes you happy. It is your home, no one else's. God bless you.
- Warner Little provided an answer for the question Has anyone noticed something that you buy often, has gone up as well?You may be right and you may not be. You don’t know anymore than all us adding our Book of likes thoughts to the stew. It’s really not an opinion - it’s an assumption about others’ resources and way of life. Assumptions cloud reason & judgment.
- Warner Little provided an answer for the question Any Frugal Ways To Keep Occupied While Injured In An Accident?Sending hugs and prayers from some one who was stuck with a fractured shoulder and torn roto cuff (a car accident). I was also going nuts with TV at that time. I was reading all kinds of crazy books, listening to music, doing Sudoku puzzles,...
- Warner Little provided an answer for the question Are You Better Off Financially This Year Than You Were Last Year Worse Off Or Same?Better off. But I have a higher paying job now, and during everything being shut down both myself and my partner still kept our jobs, and there was very little spending. Expense wise, things are going up but we are still doing fine because of our...
- Warner Little commented on the file Exfoliate Cerave Ultra Light Moisturizing LotionIt is always great to have creams available for the regular use. I like this kind of stuff and better when the price is cheap.
- Warner Little provided an answer for the question What are some items you aren’t frugal with?Actually you are frugal. You get quality over quantity. This is an argument I make all the time. Does it make more sense to buy boots that’ll last me 10-15 years or boots that’ll fall a part in a month a be uncomfortable. I think the first choice...
- Warner Little commented on the file Tunnel In England With Human Figure Behind The BoyWhat a rare experience for this kid is o review the picture where she was part of it.
- Warner Little commented on the file Interesting Falling AngelIt is just amazing to see this.
- Warner Little provided an answer for the question I don't know if anyone can help me out and possibly tell me what this could be?No, don’t think they would have it in plain sight. Think it’s a shadow leaning on the wall, and your daughter has a hand on each shoulder you can see the arm going down her left side like it is crouched behind her.
- Warner Little commented on the file The Gift SeasonI grew up with gifts and I will die with them too.
- Warner Little provided an answer for the question What do you think about this season and gifts?Plus the time spent choosing it, wrapping it etc. Meaningful gifts often cost less but there is so much love given with them. Priceless
- Warner Little commented on the file Paying Off Farming DebtFarmers love to hear great things about their farms, they live from it.
- Warner Little provided an answer for the question Are Social Security Benefits Intended To Be Your Only Source Of Income When You Retire?When it was created it was. It was also meant to be. If governments would stop treating it like a piggy bank it would be. Were not expecting it to be different. We are tried of hearing its because we are lazy, not trying hard enough. It all because...