Activity of Salma Hayek
- Salma Hayek posted to the wireI know I say this all of the time but it’s so true, I will be thinking that I’m depressed when really I’m just dehydrated. I will drink a bunch of water and then my whole existence change. Drink plenty of water!
- Salma Hayek posted to the wireI think I realized that somethings are only hard because we make it hard. Somethings are hard because we have created attachments to a way something is in our mind. I quickly realized how easy things actually are once you master the art of letting go and just being completely present. Honestly just BEING. Do you understand how liberating it is? Imagine just moving freely in every way you want to be by letting go of everything that you used to tell yourself that was holding you back. Essentially nothing you are saying to yourself in your mind is actually real. It’s just something you are creating for yourself thus making it hard. Let that shit go beloved.
- Salma Hayek commented on the photo Queen Elizabeth 11 UK's MotherShe won't be forgotten ever. Many people worldwide respected her and her well done job in the United Kingdom and the other countries by her influential programs. I personally will miss her, so pretty.
- Salma Hayek provided an answer for the question Is Anyone Else On The Same Boat. What’s The Best Way To Tell People?I’ve been there for a few years when had to stop working due to injury disability. Single and 1/4 the income doesn’t leave anything beyond living expenses. My family is awesome and has loved my homemade gifts and this year daughters asked that we...
- Salma Hayek provided an answer for the question Have I Lost My Mind By Thinking About Getting A Cow?Cows are beautiful creatures that wouldn't hurt a soul. I couldn't do it.
- Salma Hayek provided an answer for the question Has anyone noticed something that you buy often, has gone up as well?I think understanding all aspects is having a better grasp then only thinking of one. I understand the troubles high prices bring. Running out will cause those problems and more. We have to keep the future in mind as we progress. If you have no...
- Salma Hayek commented on the file My Sister Had An AccidentShe should rest too because if walking too much the leg won't heal as it should be.
- Salma Hayek provided an answer for the question Any Frugal Ways To Keep Occupied While Injured In An Accident?Now that she has this " free time " (Not planned! ) maybe there's a subject shes always been interested in but never had time to research. I have to do everything on my phone too, and its rough on my eyes, so books are better. Ive been sick for...
- Salma Hayek provided an answer for the question Are You Better Off Financially This Year Than You Were Last Year Worse Off Or Same?Thank you for reaching out to answer! I do try to get out but have been working long hours, it's getting dark earlier & I have fibromyalgia so am pretty wiped out. It is just getting in the habit again!
- Salma Hayek joined the group Share Your Success
- Salma Hayek joined the group BookofLikes VS BookLikes VS Goodreads What Is The Best
- Salma Hayek joined the group Frugal Living For You
- Salma Hayek provided an answer for the question Is Anyone Having Car Troubles?Yep my ex-husband was a mechanic, I don't recall and never heard him ever saying the "unfixable". Though I have heard "F that sh*t, it ain't worth fixing. (Usually about Chevys or PT cruisers.)
- Salma Hayek commented on the file The Entity Horror MovieWhat an excellent horror story! You got to enjoy watching it soon.
- Salma Hayek provided an answer for the question Can Anyone Recommend A True Life Horror Story Please?I was petrified for weeks after watching it xx. It change my life some how, but I still want to watch it again because I feel I need the adrenaline right now.
- Salma Hayek commented on the file Plastic Colander For vegetables Pasta PricesThe plastic utensils like this one are very handy for cooking and preparing foods at the kitchen. They can be used for filtering seeds when they washed with water.
- Salma Hayek commented on the file The Instant Pots Cook Food Faster Than Traditional Stovetop Or Oven CookingThe crock ports latest models are like magic, they do wonders at the kitchen. I love mine, for sure.
- Salma Hayek provided an answer for the question Any Tips Or Advice On How To Chill With The Eating Out?Use a crock pot you can't mess those recipes up you just throw it all in and they all taste yummy!
- Salma Hayek commented on the file Lots Of Junk Stuff To Throw AwayEvery different individual is a stuff collector, the difference is on the amount we all collect during our lives.
- Salma Hayek provided an answer for the question Any Tips On How To Get Him To Budge And Throw Things Away?Junk is subjective. Just because it doesn't hold value for you, doesn't mean it doesn't for him. Define your spaces and allow him to have whatever he wants within his spaces' boundary. Once it begins overflowing, then discuss the problem by...