Activity of Nichol Kessinger ( Nicole Sophia Miller )
- Nichol Kessinger ( Nicole Sophia Miller ) added the photo Happy Throwback Thursday Memory Of Iceland to the album Nikki's Way Nichol Kessinger Photos
- “Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness. People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcomings, but all of us are born with a basic goodness.” - Anne Frank
- When you go from giving your plants a shower, cleaning windows and baseboards to adding in dusting everything, cleaning walls and curtains. You end up with a bigger mess from when you started lmao, I will get it back together sometime.
- PSA: If you block me because I challenge the validity of something you post, its very clear that you aren't confident in it's validity either. Spreading lies and misinformation is despicable. Your credibility will always be at question now. Good job.
- I agree 100%, that would be a company I worked for temporarily in 2021, not worth a precious life! I had to travel some extremely bad roads because my work wouldn’t shut down because of the Pandemic and when there is a point system it makes it hard to stay home… worker’s should not be pointed if conditions are dangerous… I think it’s ridiculous!!.. Greedy companies ought to be very ashamed!!
- Hugs! I’m sorry to hear.
- I guess that would be called dark humor. No good deed goes unpunished. We got a 6% raise this year but they included our automatic step so basically we got 3% and then they lowered the cash payout for not taking the insurance
- Very suspicious , definitely something isn't right for sure!
- How rude asf , he's lucky it wasn't me lol.
- Guess he has some things to figure out. Put your own oxygen mask on first. You are NOT responsible for his happiness. That’s his own inside job to work on. You are not a mind reader. Please get your own counseling and take care of yourself. My guess is when you set a boundary and start taking care of your own needs and issues, he may follow suit. If he doesn’t… again that’s not your problem. You are not the emotional baggage carrier for the family!
- No trauma is the best kind!!
- Took a full bath today and ran a few errands. 1st stop tried to get in the wrong car. 2nd stop I thought my car was stolen, nope I was looking right at it. I really can’t make this stuff up my everyday life is fun, eventful, and /or funny.
- There’s something about a man’s desire for me that starts to make me feel gross. Keep it. Actually the way literally everything is overly $exualized is starting to reject the hell out of me. Yuck , just give me something else!
- Nichol Kessinger ( Nicole Sophia Miller ) added the photo Burnt Pizza Photo With Cheese Crust Complaint to the album Nikki's Way Nichol Kessinger Photos
Damn that sucks, sorry for the disappointment…I’d definitely called them to complain too. Not a good pizza at all and you're correct it is full of carcinogens and I can’t believe someone would actually cut it and send it out being that way!
- By Loscaric
No wonder, just by looking at the pizza picture I can tell you that I could order my own large pizza right now.
- By Lina
You're disgusting. I honestly don’t know how you can live your life like nothing happened, talking about pizza and whatever else, when you were involved, even indirectly, in one of the most horrific crimes imaginable!!!! Yeah, yeah, I know you...
- Just had to fork out to update the anti-virus protection on my laptop for another year. What a crock. I don't even like spending money when I'm sick. It's stupid to have to pay good money for something that's not even alive but can still come down with something. But I suppose it's better than forking over hundreds in repair bills.
- Nichol Kessinger ( Nicole Sophia Miller ) added the photo Wanna Taco Bout It to the album Nikki's Way Nichol Kessinger Photos
- By Zoe Kravitz
i want one of those to eat, it looks great and tasty taco.
- I was curious about that!!
- Two unsettling things have happened to me so far today. Elon Musk parody account followed me on X /Twitter and Mormons came to my door. These types of things come in threes so I fully expect to have another thing happen before dusk
- Nichol Kessinger ( Nicole Sophia Miller ) added the photo Why Am I Craving Honey Mustard ? to the album Nikki's Way Nichol Kessinger Photos
- By Angela Gray
Meeee too! I use honey mustard on almost everything I eat!!!
- This dude behind the controls of this train in the back is a TOTAL EFFIN MAD MAN!! I mean buddy, I get regulations and blah blah blah but all night long??!! I barely got one hour of sleep if even that, and having a horrible nonfunctional day! I hope you find the deepest of deepest sleeps, on the most needed sleep deprived night ever and an ORCHESTRA of air horns blows endless upon your windowsill!!! That is all. I wish you all a great Friday and Weekend!!!!