Activity of Melissa Lane
- Melissa Lane posted to the wireThe flu has hit home. Going to be a long night my baby girl has gotten a 103 degree temperature and refusing any type of medz and all she wants to do is sleep, this mom will be up all night for sure, and the hubby has gotten it too ugh flu season, praying the rest of us don’t get it!
- Melissa Lane posted to the wireForever and always I've always said That everyday you're in my head I cherish our love and time together All the woes, that together we'll weather In our loving bond we will tread through life In my heart you are already my wife I vow to you to stay forever loyal and true And, everyday I wake, Is a day I love you
- Melissa Lane posted to the wireThe next time I get a wild hair up my hiney and decide to paint many things in a day, please just kill me first!
- Melissa Lane commented on the file Frugal Money Earnedoney always be great appreciated, it is always welcome because we all need some to pay expenses and to feel inside a confort zone too.
- Melissa Lane provided an answer for the question Do you think it’s not just about not wasting things and being frugal?You are so right. Many of us have been married many years and could have written the same story as you. I personally have always been frugal and raised a big family always feeling blessed but never wasteful. It would be difficult raising a...
- Melissa Lane commented on the photo Photo of Scary Creepy Clown DollIt is like a curse to think that little kids used to play with toys clowns like that one back in the early 900's
- Melissa Lane joined the group Reportedly Haunted Places and Paranormal Hauntings
- Melissa Lane commented on the file Used And New Cars For SaleFor some reason i can't stop thinking that my ford truck is out of style and that I need to finance a brand new modern truck. What a dream!
- Melissa Lane commented on the file The Girls With The GiftsThe people infected on this book just kill and eat people alive and healthy.
- Melissa Lane provided an answer for the question Recommendations on twisted dystopian novels?Court of Fives. The testing series. Scythe, hunger games, The Game series by Terry Schott. Oh almost forgot it, ALSO, if you like short stories I really enjoyed unauthorized bread by Cory Doctorow.
- Melissa Lane provided an answer for the question What is the one book you literally tell everyone to read?The Remains of The Day, by Kazuo Ishiguro. An understated masterpiece and also I really enjoyed this book and the writing was brilliant. but man, it was sssssslow!
- Melissa Lane provided an answer for the question Is Anyone Else On The Same Boat. What’s The Best Way To Tell People?I think it would be a stress relief for everyone if they do the same and it makes Christmas so easy and enjoyable.
- Melissa Lane joined the group Car Deals Best Automobile To Buy
- Melissa Lane provided an answer for the question How Do You Beat The Heat Frugally?Someone asked me like this: If I do will you take some to my aunt there? Lol And I answered: I’ll be there this weekend. I’ll try to bring some of this California sunshine with me!
- Melissa Lane commented on the file Air Conditioning Temperature ControllerThis setting could make it for me.
- Melissa Lane provided an answer for the question What Temperature Do You Keep The Air Conditioning Set During The Summer Months?Menopausal ladies here keep it 70-68, $80 a month. I'm melting any higher than 70 lol it's a treat.
- Melissa Lane provided an answer for the question Why would people prefer to continue to be in debt?Flashing back to when I "loaned" a friend money to pay rent ( this girl never paid me back ) and a few days later she showed me a pretty orchid she had just bought. I just....what???
- Melissa Lane provided an answer for the question Any Feedback For Me Because I'm In A Lot Of Debt For Being So Young?I pick up extra hours when I can with lack of baby sitter is the hardest thing (that happens). I definitely should’ve been on top of this before a baby. I’m a server and I work at a non profit organization, I have two jobs now. I just downloaded...
- Melissa Lane commented on the file Blood Pressure Monitor Machine ReadingI see the device shows 120 the high reading and 80 the lower reading, I guess that is the perfect reading for a healthy person, respecting the blood pressure. By the way, I seen some info about these tools: A sphygmomanometer (...Read more