Activity of Darcy Martin
- Darcy Martin joined the group 6 Ways To Improve California Hybrid Repairs
- Darcy Martin commented on the file Eating Healthy Prolongs Life in HumansThe way I see and understand your question is that I must answer with a smart answer. Well, part of being and staying healthy is to exercise and eat healthy a small amount three times a day, drink lots of water and a few cups of coffee, The person...Read more
- Darcy Martin joined the group How To?
- Darcy Martin joined the group Investing in Stocks at the Stock-Market
- Darcy Martin joined the group Do You Love Music?
- Darcy Martin commented on the discussion topic Why New Born Baby Elephant Can't Stand Right Away, Is It Too Weak?I care only about watching the video before giving my opinions. I have to admit that the Elephants are weird animals that make no sense the way they live and expect their kids to do the same. But, maybe they don't want anything to go wrong with that...Read more
- Darcy Martin joined the group New Born Baby Elephant Must Stand And Walk Today
- Darcy Martin commented on Insurance is the biggest...Yep insurance is such a rip off. My rates are ridiculously high! I looked at homeowners insurance recently. I only want enough coverage to pay off my mortgage. I would not replace or rebuild and if I did I would scale back a lot. I am no where near...Read more
- Darcy Martin provided an answer for the question Do you think it’s not just about not wasting things and being frugal?My mother went to college in the 90s and she said It was still some what affordable. Then she got another degree in the mid 2000s and the cost like tripled. Today, she still trying to pay it off.
- Darcy Martin joined the group Reportedly Haunted Places and Paranormal Hauntings
- Darcy Martin provided an answer for the question Has anyone noticed something that you buy often, has gone up as well?Thank you for sharing. I'm almost 40y and didn't know this story. I think we all tend to believe that the times we are living in is special and disastrous. I don't mean to minimize the current crisis but it helps to realize we've been through bad...
- Darcy Martin provided an answer for the question Any Frugal Ways To Keep Occupied While Injured In An Accident?Definitely use you tube to learn how to do something she’s interested in. Also the library has free resources and books. Some libraries even have adult classes and activities although they’re more difficult to find but look at neighboring cities and...
- Darcy Martin provided an answer for the question Are You Better Off Financially This Year Than You Were Last Year Worse Off Or Same?Inflation is hurting us horribly, we are lucky / blessed nothing changed for us financially due to covid . It didn't get better or worse, now Inflation is killing us, we are trying to pay higher bills on the say pay as before, so it's very scary...
- Darcy Martin provided an answer for the question What are some items you aren’t frugal with?I stand by a few things, don’t skimp on your mattress, shoes, skin care, and health! They are very important to our quality of life. Doesn’t make you not frugal. If anything, your frugality allows you to splurge more on the necessary items.
- Darcy Martin provided an answer for the question Any Tips Or Advice On How To Chill With The Eating Out?We only get water to drink when we eat out. Meal portions are huge. We share a lot of the time. Basically we keep it simple. Burgers, salads, subs, soups. You can do it!
- Darcy Martin commented on the file The Old Car Ford Fusion Model 2015A vehicle is so important to go and work and making errands everyday.
- Darcy Martin provided an answer for the question Is Anyone Having Car Troubles?So sorry you're having this issue. My son is a master certified technician and I've never heard him say something is un-fixable. I recognize that your story confuses me as well.
- Darcy Martin joined the group Car Deals Best Automobile To Buy