Activity of Brianna Lambert
- Brianna Lambert posted to the wireLadies have any of you had your husband after 24 years say he doesn’t want to be married anymore? Says he loves me but he’s unhappy in life. Seems like a mid life crisis to me. I don’t know what to do. I feel completely lost. He’s still wearing his ring and sleeping on the couch.
- Brianna Lambert commented on a page titled My Grandbaby Was Ripped From My Loving Arms' The image of that baby girl holding onto the door frame and screaming" it is ended but it wasn't beautiful a single event that in your case it let scars in your life. People like me feel sorry for all those events in your life and I hope you fell...Read more
- Brianna Lambert posted to the wireNow to everyone officially, yes I am moving back to Winchester. When? Sometime either next month during the end. Or the beginning of May. Am I completely happy about this decision?? HECK YES. I'm done with catty people and I'm moving on with my life. There will be a party thrown for me next month and all MY REAL FRIENDS who choose to come my celebrate with me.
- Brianna Lambert provided an answer for the question Do you think it’s not just about not wasting things and being frugal?I was married 42 years and husband became disabled due to massive stroke 12 years ago - we have always been frugal !! My husband had that serious stroke 2.5 years ago and he died last year.. being frugal helps alot!
- Brianna Lambert provided an answer for the question Do you think it’s not just about not wasting things and being frugal?I was married 42 years and husband became disabled due to massive stroke 12 years ago - we have always been frugal !! My husband had that serious stroke 2.5 years ago and he died last year.. being frugal helps alot!
- Brianna Lambert provided an answer for the question Do you actually believe that daughter who passed away brought me a dog?As much as I love my adopted beautiful girl and I also believe she was a gift from God after my other fur babies passed, I will still always carry some guilt that I have taken her away from her original family. When I adopted her the lady at the...
- Brianna Lambert provided an answer for the question Is there anything you were buying and now you completely given up buying it?Kleenex. My whole life I’ve had a cold, wet, drippy nose (fine if you’re a dog but not so fine for a human) so I’ve always had boxes of tissues all over the house. A couple years ago, faced with possible shortages due to the pandemic, I bought a...
- Brianna Lambert joined the group Reportedly Haunted Places and Paranormal Hauntings
- Brianna Lambert posted to the wireI decided today even with everything going on around me, that I would go to Walmart to get a few things. I told myself I wouldn't lay in bed and I wouldn't feel depressed. Upon leaving the store, I saw an older elderly man sitting on a bench by himself. He looked up at me and I looked at him and smiled. His entire face then lit up. And he smiled and said "You have a wonderful and lovely day, young lady." In that moment, I actually felt like I would. I would make this day great or as great as I could despite everything that's been going on. Despite all the chaos and sadness that happens everyday in this world, try smiling and being happy and kind at least once if not a few times every day.~ You never know what amount of good it can do to even one single person. How much it can change someone's disposition...I am still incredibly sad, I am sad about so many things. But that kindness was an amazing gift to receive. And I have learned to appreciate the small things. Flowers and nature around me, and someone else's smile. And I am so happy to be on this planet, I know I am loved and I can even give love in return everyday. And that is incredibly wonderful.
- Brianna Lambert commented on the discussion topic What Is That Sound At Night ? SCARY!If someone you know or near you has a metal detector (I’m assuming the device might have metal), it might be easier to find what it is. I would find someone who has a good metal detector to see if they are willing to help!
- Brianna Lambert provided an answer for the question I don't know if anyone can help me out and possibly tell me what this could be?Agree but it seems my opinion is not liked because the lights from above and the angle wouldn’t cast a shadow in that position.
- Brianna Lambert provided an answer for the question What do you think about this season and gifts?Exactly! I can buy what I want or need. It doesn’t have to even be a gift. Sitting for my son to allow me to take a yoga class or something would be great.
The spirit of gift giving is not what’s in it for you.
- Brianna Lambert commented on Answer to question Are Social Security Benefits Intended To Be Your Only Source Of Income When You Retire?Nice and smooth grass at your farm.
- Brianna Lambert provided an answer for the question Are Social Security Benefits Intended To Be Your Only Source Of Income When You Retire?The fact is that if you become disabled its worse. It happened to my father, he became disabled when he was 50 years old. He couldn’t work if he wanted, he couldn’t even swing three hours of volunteer work three times a week, and it included a...
- Brianna Lambert posted to the wireI may not know everything or even many things but I sure forreal know energy. I know when it's genuine, when it's strange, and when it shifts.
- Brianna Lambert commented on How could anyone NOT...Keep it up girl that's what America needs is a whole lot more of you, not less! You are one of the sweetest people I know for real, why would anybody not adore you with all of their might? You will always be one of my best friends gir, i love you to...Read more
- Brianna Lambert provided an answer for the question If I gave you 100k right now what would you do with it?Buy a home that was set up appropriately for our sons disabilities so we can live with them again, and Invest o stocks at the stock market.
- Brianna Lambert provided an answer for the question Any Tips On How To Get Him To Budge And Throw Things Away?My husband and I moved in together after a month of being together. There was plenty we didn’t realize about each other but we figured it out as a couple. There will be plenty of other challenges as they continue to cohabitate together. This is...
- Brianna Lambert joined the group Car Deals Best Automobile To Buy